Time to kiss '05 goodbye and ring in 2006. The year of the horse huh? I'm still waiting for my year of the Dragon.
This year has been up and down. But you'll read that soon, but with no further adieu...2005, the year in review! From a 1-10 scale.
Finances-7.5 I saved cash this year and made more money at work too. I have a good cushion for emergencies, stayed out of debt, paid all bills on time, was able to splurge and save at the same time. Next year I need to continue on the same pace, but restructure my accounts to make more cash and invest in other things too. Save, save save...and spend a little too...
Work- 9 I love my job, as stressful as it is sometimes. It would have been a 10, but I did still spend 3 months of the year at the VINE in misery. Best thing I did was to leave that shithole. My job is so much better now. I make a lot more money, sometimes over $1000 cash a week, my co-workers are like my extended family, the customers are soooo much better, the atmosphere is funner, and my bosses and their families are some of the most genuine, honest and caring people I've met.
Social life- 7 I was relatively active in being social this year. I gain a lot of new contacts, lost some that I don't need to associate with anymore, gained a few new close friends and bolstered the good ones I already have. I had a friend come home from Iraq, safely and start his family. I lost one friend through miscommunication, but gained back another one recently. It's good to have Doug back around again, even though we don't hang out too much. Next year I'll continue to work on my networking skills, keep trying to avoid being too shy, and make more new friends.
Love Life- 7 I had 2 girlfriends this year. I learned a great deal from both of them. Granted, she had her moments, but it was mostly a long learning experience of me learning that I need to be myself. My second was maybe the more emotional one, where I learned that I need to do things that I think are the best for me, regardless of what others may think. Nothing bad to say about her at all, right girl, wrong time, wrong place. I don't know what 2006 will bring, and it will be foolish to make a prediction. You never know when the love bug is gonna get you. A watched pot never boils. I just think I have more clarity in terms of what I am looking for. Nothing absolutely clear yet, but at least I'm out of the fog with who I am.
Spiritual-4 Now, I know that you think that this is a shitty low number, but considering that last year and for many years before, the number was 0 or below 0. I not claiming a faith yet, but I've been doing a lot of research for my own self benefit in terms of finding myself. I've studier a lot of eastern religions, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism all deal with oneness and guidance. Internal struggles are all solvable with thought. Throw in a touch of moral Christianity and a definite belief in fate, and KARMA!
Family-8 I got closer to my family this year. I spent a lot more time with MOM and DAD, more-so with Dad. They are getting up in years, and I regret now making an attempt at being closer when I should have been earlier. My cousins got closer and a few aunts and uncles. It would have been a little higher if not for an amplification at the end of the year with a current falling out of my Uncle Ty with the entire family. I won't go into details, but it involves an isolation of my last living grandparent via his actions and the rest of the family. He will pay for his transgressions and fully deserves any pain he endures in the future. Next year I want to get even closer to my Godparents, pay a visit to my Cousin Tina and her husband Jeff( who is more of a new brother than a cousin in law), visit my Mom's family in So-Cal, and hopefully spend more time with the 'rents-maybe even take a family vacation again for the first time in 11 years.
Health -7 I wasn't really sick this year at all. A few colds, but nothing major. No hospitalizations or chronic illness. I made a drastic improvement from the beginning of the year, losing a lot of weight and tuning my diet a lot. Smoking was still a crutch, and will be the hardest. This year I quit, started, quit again, started, quit, and started. It just needs to end. I won't give up my cigars though, for as infrequently I have them anyways. No thinning hair, no grey hairs yet. Allergies were bad this year, so much so that I got prescriptions for them again. Next year, continue on my goal to lose my weight, exercise more and lose the smokes for good, after all, I WILL be 30 in 2006.
All in all, this year was a 7.25, I set my goals for 2006 in a previous post and I'll try to stick to all of them. For all of you out there, thank you for being a part of my life. You have all had an impact in some shape or form and I wish you nothing but the best in 2006. May the sun shine on you, may the ground rise up to meet your feet and the wind be always at your back. Happy New year to you all! Mahalo!