There's been a lot of talking among my best friends, ex's, coworkers, family friends, and even family on the subject of dating lately.What they would like, what they have had, the good and the bad. So I thought I'd toss in my two cents. Am I ready to get back on the horse here? Most definitely. What do I expect? Like our lonely cowboy, we're gonna get bucked off on occasion on the ride, and yes, it does hurt. We just learn how to go about it better the next time. Until we finally find that someone that we can feel comfortable riding into the sunset with.
So what do I WANT? Or Who can I live with? I'm not going to resort to just "settling" with someone because I don't think there is any hope for me. I see what ends up to people like that, they are miserable and try to live vicariously through others, which makes them even more unhappy.
I've always wanted someone that is honest and trusting, and fun to be around. But there is more additions to those now.
I need someone to see me for what and who I am, and to like and love me for it. Every bit of me. And I need to feel the same for the other person. Of course there are going to be little things about the person that are bothersome, but if they are only little things, then well, get over it. Is it really worth it to worry about if say a person wears socks with sandals if they go to take the trash outside? No, last I checked, my pop does that frequently, and I think he's a pretty cool and unique dude.That kind of nit-picking will only cause a very quick demise to a couple.
There are going to be differences! Politics, favorite colors, spicy or mild food, ice skating or hockey...those things tend to complete the other person, and most of the time someone will "come around" and not necessarily like the other's things, but at least not be closed minded to them. People shouldn't make others feel bad about the things that they like to do, well...unless its illegal or highly detrimental or hazardous to the person or others.
The need for personal space. I need personal space dag gummit! The surefire way for me to be bored with someone is to not necessarily to always be next to someone( I can always be doing something else while they are doing something), but the constant need to know whats up on a daily basis. Is it really needed to know that I went and got milk at the store? I need time away, with my friends, family, and alone time. It makes me miss someone fast when I don't see or talk to them, AND I actually may have something important to talk about- let alone have something to talk about in general- if I'm out of a girl's loop for 2 days. I'll go stir crazy, get in a pissy mood and then I'm forced to tell them that I need some personal space for a day..and you know where that goes.."you don't like spending time with me anymore!"
I'm not wanting the unattainable. I don't want a supermodel with a flawless store bought body, who is either independently wealthy or is daddy's girl. I don't give a damn if you drive a BMW, need to wear the newest fashionable line of false fake fur or have a pompous attitude.Does it make you better than me? If you think so, heres a news flash..go FUCK yourself. I want someone that is real on the inside, that feels, hurts, loves, gets jealous and has experience in eating top ramen in the past, but knows the love of a top cut steak. A worldly girl that can feel comfortable in all the extremes.
Gotta get your freak on. As Ludacris coined " I need a lady in the street, but a freak in da bed." You all who know me knew this was coming up. I need that high sex drive. Ideally it should be getting it on daily. Keeps me happy, de-stressed, and wanting more. More-over, last I checked, I am pretty good at what I do, so there hasn't been any complaints. Always reciprocating and going last. The standard vanilla sex wont fly. Oral is a must, and the kinkier stuff can come later. It'll get by for the first month, but man, it gets boring. It's gotta migrate and change up a lot, on da floor, in the shower, in da pool, on the kitchen counter, in da truck, on a road trip at a roadside rest stop table...you get the picture.
NOW, do I expect to find this mystical and elusive creature right away? Oh hell no. These are part of my ideals, and I don't expect to find someone that encompasses all this and more. If that happens, I guarantee you I'd marry her in less than a year. And speaking of a year, I once had this goal to be married by 30 and kids by 35. I think I set that goal when I was oh...23, and now I'm a year and a month from that goal, I can toss it out and pretty much have to revise that plan. Easy enough, it wasn't written in blood n stone.
She'll end up showing up when I least expect it and have a 50/50 chance of not being the one for me again, but I'll still embrace her as a welcome life experience as I'll still learn from it while I wait for the right one.