Its time for another installment of the long awaited return of "Stoopid People".
First of all, let me set you up for the mood I was in today... I am getting over a small cold, so I'm all clogged up, then I ended up working this Thanksgiving, following and ass-reaming night before Thanksgiving (which paid off with me making $360 in one night). Thanksgiving night wasn't anything special. It wasn't busy, I could handle it by myself and there were no assholes or "stoopid people" about. Anyways, I get home at 3:30 AM, and finally get to sleep at ohhh...6 fucking 15 AM. I sleep a few hours, and end up sleeping through my alarm. Not good. I made it to work only 10 minutes after we opened, but I should have been there 30 minutes prior. My boss, thankfully understands, since I closed the night before.
immediately I get thrown into a small fray of morning drinkers.
Now then, this almost bares the donning of another stoopid person award, but the second person I help 11:15 Am..a dude mind you...orders a frozen pina colada. Despite the gay value that this screams out for a man to order, I have to do it. Sidenote-if you are a man, any kind of man at all...there are only two times you are allowed to order a frozen pina colada (or any frozen drink for that matter). 1) you are in a beach cabana in Cancun...and 2) you are ordering it for your super-hot girlfriend at the same time as you order yourself a strong jack and coke.
This is just the beginning, for as many a layman do not know, bartenders HATE making these things. Its messy, time consuming, and the sound of a whirring blender tends to notify other people that there are frozen drinks available at the bar, thus spawning more of the same.
Anyways...the day progresses and I am plain out dragging ass. I think that the highlight of the day (the real highlight) is that my good old ASU beat out U of A in the final minute, and we are off to the bowl.
Now that the day is set up, here comes the stoopid people. Pub Crawlers. I hate these people. They are like locusts, feeding and leaving, no regard to manners...decency, tipping, or patience.
Anyways, a troop of about 10 of then stroll in. All but one are bearable, but that one...that lonely one succeeded in single handedly pissing me off.
We are going to call him Mr. Jack Freeshot. Now then, if anyone has ever worked in the food or liquor service industry, you may agree with me that my NUMBER 1 pet peeve is when a person askes for free shit or to get hooked up. Especially when that person or persons are not tipping anything before or after promising to hook me up back.
Mr. Jack Freeshot actually tried to haggle with me for no less than 10 minutes total to try and negotiate a business deal wherein I give him free shots so that he could be ahead in points for his pub crawl winnings. My gawd! What part of " I can't give you a free shot, or no I'm not going to give you a free shot, or stop asking me for a free shot" do you not understand? Do you REALLY thing that the bartender is gonna give you a free drink because you think you are cool? Or that he would do it because the bartender is a nice and cool guy? FUCK NO!
Maybe, just maybe, if you would tip a minimum of $10, then we could talk. My job, nor any other bartender's jobs are worth losing just because of your greedy ass. So Mr Jack Freeshot, you are officially "that guy", who embarrasses himself and his friends, all the while instantly making the bartender promise to himself that he will NEVER, EVER hook you up.
Plain and simple folks, you don't ask to get "hooked up" in a bar. I'll tell you what will though...tipping an average to good amount per drink, every time, being cool, patient and showing some class and manners. I reward that all the time, and everytime, without asking.
That's my rant, and I'm stickin to it!