WTF!!!? In the past 2 days I've had more police involvement than I had in the entire last year! Monday night I worked a double, and my second half of the workday was doing my usual karoke show. I do the show, leave and head home. On the way home I realize I am running on fumes, so I decide to go the gas station one turnoff early on the highway before home. It's 2:30 am, and like usual, there is NOBODY on the road. I pull off the offramp and cruise to the stoplight to make a right turn. Now, let me first say that I fully admit guilt on this one. In Arizona, on most offramps, you are not allowed to make a right on red onto the main street. At 2:30 am, I really don't care about that law. But,my luck, I pull to the light, wait 2 seconds, look left, start to go, and see headlights starting to come in the far lane. My dumb ass turns right in front of a city cop. Well anyways, the dude was super cool and let my ass go with a warning. He must have liked the fact that I have like 10 gun stickers on my truck.
So, part 2- I go to work Weds night. It's jam packed ass busy! ASU starts up again for the spring semester in 6 days, so the kids are back to play for a week before classes start. Busy, understaffed and stressed out, I get a random call on my cell at 8:25 pm. It's my alarm company telling me that my house has been compromised through my backdoor and want to know if they should dispatch police. Well shit, I'm like, "No, let the thieves have at it....YES! Send someone over!" So, the alarm company and I are playing phone tag for 30 minutes because now other access point alarms are going off and they are calling me in response. I talk with 4..four different company operators who all have like no knowledge of what the previous one has said. They all asked me if I wanted to dispatch police, and I told them that the first operator already dispatched. By the 5th call they get in sync. I ask them if police are on scene and they tell me that they will call and find out. They call and call back saying that police are in the house now, but have no further information. Now the disturbing part. I get the call as soon as the alarm goes off. The alarm company said that police were dispatched at 8:38pm....They didn't arrive at the house until 9:05!!!! WTF!!! If there was a burglar, he could have cleaned out the house, made a sandwich and played with the dog a bit before they got there! Damn guys, ease off the fucking donuts!
Anyways, to end it, more than likely a door was not closed all the way and the wind blew it open. No forced entry, nothing missing, nothing trashed. Still though, I bet Ms Jenny Jones got freaked the fuck out with a 200 decibel alarm going off and then having police with flashlights and guns drawn scanning through the house. Poor thing.
Mesa cops = johnny on the spot for pulling me over
Gilbert cops= where da fuck are you guys! I could be dead over here!