I have a few gripes on issues that I have to let loose before I go insane by letting them fester for too long.
1). All those whining crybaby illegal immigrants screaming about their rights in the U.S. Now listen to me very, VERY carefully here...I have no problems with immigrants what-so-ever. Being a first generation American in my family, I can understand and respect all of the benefits that immigrants bring here.
Immigrants, and Latino immigrants especially are a crucial part of our infrastructure and culture. We could do the jobs that they do, but, face it, Americans are lazy and complacent. My problem is with "Illegal" immigrants. That said...for all them protesters waving the Mexican flag in OUR streets...SHUT UP and FUCK OFF!!! You have NO "rights" as Americans. Yes, you have rights as human beings, I will help you with food, water, clothing and shelter. But man, when our own citizens have trouble getting health care, jobs, educations, tax breaks, social services, child care and all the illegals can get that stuff for FREE???!! FUCK THAT! You have no benefits. Nada, zip, zero, zilch! Stop your whining! If you follow the right channels, work your way through the system and get here legally, I will embrace you in my country. What's worse is that Vincente Fox, the Mexican president allows instructions to be given out as to "how to come across the border", so he's just as guilty. What I won't do is grant Rosa amnesty when she is 8 months preggo hopping across the border to have a kid illegally so the child will be born an American on my tax dollars. Wall the border, land mine the hell out of it, and stick some snipers in some trees and stay the hell out of my country. And yes, I won't mind the cost of a head of lettuce going up to $3.00 a head, I can do my own landscaping, wash my own car, and cook my own carne asada.....NEXT!
2) While we are on the subject of our Latin neighbors, Cinco de Mayo was yesterday, or as most people call it, Cinco de Drinko. A day where all of white America finds due cause to become Mexican and celebrate um...what was it we are celebrating? Mexican Independence day? The birth of corona? 99% of Americans will say they are celebrating Mexican independence day. Wrong! Why would we celebrate that day? Mexico doesn't celebrate the 4th of July. Everyone is celebrating for the wrong reasons...The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, Mexico declared its independence from Spain on the 15th of September, 1810.
So, why Cinco de Mayo? And why should Americans savor this day as well? Because 4,000 Mexican soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City on the morning of May 5, 1862.
The French had landed in Mexico (along with Spanish and English troops) five months earlier on the pretext of collecting Mexican debts from the newly elected government of democratic President Benito Juarez. The English and Spanish quickly made deals and left. The French, however, had different ideas. The Americans were sided against Spain and France at the time. Mexico itself doesn't even celebrate the holiday except in the town of Puebla itself. Americans have made it an adopted national holiday, A party that celebrates an excuse to drink lots of Tecate, tequila and have a good time...
3) Stop blaming W. for the gas prices. He's actually considering taking away the gas taxes for the summer (which would drop the price of a gallon of gas to like, oh, $1.50 a gallon...go G.W.!), passed anti-gouging laws, and is investigating the oil companies profits. Blame the oil companies, congress and lobbyists for this one folks. Last year the oil companies recorded the highest profits ever. This year they will surpass even that. Yes, I hate filling my gas tank for $50 a shot, but we gotta do what we gotta do, bitching aint gonna do anything. Consider other options to promote. Brazil has basically said "the hell with you" to oil for a while now. They run on ethanol, a grain based fuel. Grow some corn, process it, dirty it up a little to run on and BAM! GAS! Our country would never do it though unless we got really desperate.
4) You think I'm crazy, but the Cardinals should have a good year this year. Denny Green is a good coach, we still have all our best wide receivers with Boldin and Fitzgerald back, veteran QB Warner and rookie Leinart from USC throwing. A stronger O line and a kick ass secondary along with the league's best kicker...oh, yeah, and a new stadium (even though its out in BFE). I don't care, I'm still rootin for them.
That's my bitches, I'm out!