I'll give the French some credit-Good bread, wine, cheese, champange, easily conquered during wartime, partial heritage credit in my background...but man, let the Armstrong thing go already. Even though he could have easily came back and whooped some biking ass for an 8th time in a row, he chose retirement. Now, if he had won the tour say only twice, maybe three times, there wouldn't be any talk about him.
But because an American from Texas comes over to France and hands it to them 7 times in a row at "their" sport, you raise a fit.
I don't see Miguel Indurain getting harassed for winning it 5 times in a row right before Lance's stint. Or even Greg Lemond?
Speaking of Greg Lemond...Lance threatening you and your family to not testify that he supposably used steroids? Man, LeMond was a inspiration for me back when I cycled a lot in high school, I didn't expect him to go there...
Once again Lance is faced with a hellstorm of accusations, mostly 3rd and sometimes 4th party accusations. My mother's, brother's wife's second cousin's ex-best friend said that her sports therapist knew a doctor that gave Lance steroids and cortisone shots back in '92.
What it boils down to is that during Lance's cancer treatments, his doctors may have given him therapeutic drugs to help him recover which may have traces of steroids in them. Well? Ok? Then my dad did steroids too. He got cortisone shots, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Its commonplace. People who have asthma do it too, to survive. Any asthmatics on the tour? I betcha you could catch them for steroid use...but nope, his critics are still trying to possibly spin drugs used during his cancer treatments as grounds for a possible steroid usage in sports.
Somebody who is this successful at a sport is going to stir up jealousy, bitterness and controversy as well as admiration, awe, and inspiration. People may be upset that he has won so much and that he is THAT good at his sport. So are Hank Arron, Ted Williams, Gary Hall Jr., Dan Marino, and Pete Sampras...but they didn't use drugs either, and they achieved standing records that are viewed as benchmarks in their sports.
Let the man retire without any more problems. He won (7 times) and he's done, you have your race back, now concentrate on producing a French cyclist that can win at your sport again.