OR at the very least, wannabe multi-cultural awareness day. I had today off, so after getting some sleep, I wake up and decide that I wanna be out and about. I leave with a nice coffee buzz and head out to Tempe. I remember that ASU just got in school for the fall semester, so I drive through campus to check out the scenery. It's nice. Make some phone calls while I'm driving to people I haven't checked into for a while, leave some messages and talk to my cousin for 30 minutes in a parking lot. I head off to the pound to browse through pups, see some okay ones, but mostly nothing special. A lot of the stalls were empty, which I guess is a good thing. Not that I'm planning on getting another dog soon, just something to pass the time.
I leave and head out back through Tempe. Coffee is working its magic and now I'm starvin Marvin. Hmmm, Nello's or Moki's? I decide on Moki's. Its a new place in south Tempe specializing in Hawaiian food. Great atmosphere, casual Hawaiian and surf themes. It's a counter order grill, no servers. Owner/ manager is thankfully an islander. Greeted with an Aloha opon entry, I order the Ohana meal. Teriaki chicken, choice of salmon or mahi mahi, coconut shrimp, sticky rice and Hawaiian salad. Meal and drink plus tip for $11. Tasty treats.
I head out with a full belly and drive out to Phoenix to hit up the Chinese cultural center and the 99 ranch market. After browsing through the exotic aisles of whole chickens (including the head), pork bung, candied gingers, weird looking mushrooms, fish balls and baby octopus, I grab some groceries and treats before looking through the fresh fish display. Some looked ok, some looked bad, some looked dead. Growing up in San Francisco, I'm used to a plethora of Asian people walking about. I must have gotten desert isolated while living out here the past 10 years, because I caught myself in the store saying to myself "Hey look, an Asian American!" As if its some strange oddity, let alone hearing them speak their native tongue near me.
Dropped $37 bucks on random goodies and headed home to battle rush hour traffic.
I think its nap time now.