I did something last night that I haven't done in a very, very long time. I felt like doing my own thing and decided to head out on my own last night. As I'm making this decision, Whitney, one of my old co-workers from the good old Vine days gives me a ring and invites me out to...of all the places...my work for goldfish racing. Dammit!! I just spent 13 of the past 24 hours there! I tell them I'll meet up with them there. I head on up there and hang out with Aundi and Jen, two other regulars, for a spell. Turns out there were a lot of peeps up there that I ran into. Pete was there getting sauced, Jack and Rhino walked in, Grant was occupying his usual bar stool, Bridgette popped in to say hello, our rep Marissa was pushing corona products, Paulie was on door, Greg's friend Neil was hanging out and Chuey was hosting the show. Social butterfly hour it is then.
I'm having a great time, trying to pace myself on a relatively empty stomach, which isn't helping. Hanging out with the girls and shootin the shit with Jen while Aundi is drunkenly inhaling a hamburger, we touch on some interesting topics and have a really cool chat about how people's personalities at their jobs sometimes do and do not carry over into their personal lives.
Whitney shows up with her boyfriend, her friend and her boyfriend. Haven't seen her in a long time! She looks happy finally and that's a good thing. I was expecting the rest of the Vine crew to show up too. I guess T-Bone and Katie have settled down a bit and are more than likely understandably tied down with the new baby. Big E is of course working, and the rest of the crew is not present.
I go make the rounds and say hello to everyone in the bar, hang out at the front door and chat for a bit, Whitney comes up to me a few times to ask advice on goldfish names for the race. I advise Thundercunt for the first race and Pirate Hooker for race number two.
Aundi and Jen decide to leave, its bedtime and they have to be up early. We say goodbye, they split and then I start chatting with Neil and Pauli. Talking business, what should be good ideas for the bar, what next steps may be, guns, the midget, how slow its been lately, guy shit.
I grab some chips and salsa to try and slow the deluge of vodka redbulls in my gullet and it helped a small amount.
I need to slow down...I head up to the south side of the bar where Grant, Jeb and Buddy's girlfriend Lindsay are having a conversation on religion. Oh boy...Here I was thinking it could get ugly, but no, The three of us actually had a really, really good chat. The more I talk with Grant, as a bartender serving him, or as a fellow customer, the more I see that he's a pretty fucking cool dude.
We're talking as I'm sucking down 2 glasses of iced tea. I sober up quite a bit as the iced tea and chips deluge overflowed the vodka river in my system. Awesome.
I head back to the front door and resume sipping on a vodka redbull and hang more with Neil and Paul. I find out how he knows Greg so well, a little bit of family info and general chit-chat. I mention that I'm still hungry and offer to buy the crew sandwiches from the Philly company across the street. Nobody really takes me up on the offer...until Neil and I return with grub. I got Neil a cheesesteak, gave Pauli half of mine and gave Rebecca a turkey sub. Tasty treats and a gut full of sobering grease, I pay my tab at the bar and head out before last call.
Whitney and her friends decide to leave too. We say goodbye and she planted the seed for me to visit the old crew in the back of my head by saying that they all miss me. It's nice to hear that! So,on the way home, I drive down to Tempe for nostalgic value and stop in my old pain in my side of a old job and visit Big E. E's cool, nothing new per say except that finally, after YEARS of shit falling apart, the owners dump $30000 in flat screens, sound systems and new registers to make things somewhat workable again. I talk with E til about 2:10, maybe drank 1/4 of my beer and then split. Headed home, grabbed a quick nosh on a snack, pounded some juice, grabbed a liter of water for the bedside and crashed out on the bed. Which I have to say, since going out last weekend and buying $200 worth of new down pillows and a featherbed top for my mattress, my passing out time has dropped from like 10 minutes to about 30 seconds...awesome.
All in all, a great freggin night! Good times with Great people!