Today was my last full day in the RWC before I fly back to reality and my job (a place I call Phoenix) at noon on Friday.
It was a quiet day today. No cold wind freezing your face, instead a calm and lethargic chill. The clouds had moved in, and the sky was a offshore grey, as if we were someone's pet bird who's owner had tossed over a blanket on our cage to quell us. Nothing was really active, winter had officially arrived and things were hunkered down for the season.
I got up surprisingly early at 9, before my parents, which is a complete anomaly, and started to make breakfast. I made a hearty egg scramble for dad and I before getting on the cell and calling my bank card company to resolve a miss cashed check. They said that it would be fixed, but I have yet to see the results...I guess I'll wait a full business day to see.
After that, Dad and I took a long walk and ended up going though my old high school. We were so wound up talking bout some family history, his health and relatives long gone that I pretty much failed to look around at my old, but changed surroundings.
We stopped once more at my Godfathers house, talked to my Godmother for a few and then picked up my old computer which my Godfather fixed for my parents to use. I suppose I failed to see the true logistics of hand carrying a 40 lb, awkward shaped CPU cased unit on foot, at a slow pace for my father, for over 1 1/2 miles. I managed, without having to stop, to lug it back home. It was easy after the first 3/4 mile as in I ceased to feel pain in my arms and fingers to to them going numb.
My Godfather did a great job, and it worked better than before. It was just a matter of trying to hookup Internet access.
Around 3 I drove to Fry's electronics in Palo Alto to look for essential parts.
Picked up essential parts.
Installed parts.
One part no work.
Drive back to Fry's after dinner.
Return parts, buy new ones.
Install new parts.
Parts work, but still no Internet.
4 hours of work with no results.
Marc says hell with it, and will fix when in town next time. Until then, my Godfather and Dad can tinker with it and try to fix it. I think I'm just missing a router.
To add to it, on the way home (the second time), it started to rain. I honestly didn't care, because it started to rain after I got in my car from picking up a bag of Chuck's donuts.
There really is 2 things in this world I really love. Chuck, and his goddamn donuts. Plain glazed of course, but his other flavors are quite orgasmic. Blissful enough that when I die, I want to be re-incarnated as a donut from Chuck, because its as close to Heaven as I can imagine.
Well, that and being a Chuck's donut on a solitary beach in Hawaii at sunset...with 100 nekkid supermodels...now I'm fantasising.
The slow rain came, soaking everything. I spent the rest of the night quietly in the living room with Mom and Dad watching some oddball movie til we all went to bed around 11.
I laid in bed with a long forgotten comfort from the past, a slow rain draining off the roof, and down the metal gutter, resounding as a natural metronome, drop by drop,