Friday, May 30, 2008
Meet Bridget

Thursday, May 22, 2008
angry beaver!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Stupid vices.

Friday, May 16, 2008
Give them an inch, they'll cut your leg off.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mystery at 683

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
3 times a year

Monday, May 12, 2008
Well gee...that was stupid

Friday, May 09, 2008
Question 2 in multiparts

Say there was a woman who was your ideal type physcially.
Now, the catch is this woman is essentially YOU. She has exactly the same personality. She likes the same things, dislikes the same things, has exactly the same hobbies and interests as you. What irks her, what gives her ecstacy, the way she would react to any given situation is exacly the same as you. So basically she is the female version of you, but looks nothing like you; remember, whatever your dream girl may look like, that's what she looks like. Here are some questions to consider based on this scenario:
1. Would you want to be with this girl as a lifepartner? Why or why not?
Answer> In a nutshell, no. I know that I am not the easiest person to get along with, and even some of my own flaws annoy me, disturb me or turn me off. Why would I want to find that in someone else? It may be an interesting trip for the first few times seeing that we are one in the same, but then the annoyances would be overwhelming.
2. What would bug you about her. What would you love about her?
Answer>(yes I know where you are going with this series-in that I am making my pros and cons evident to myself) A good handful of personal habits would bother me. I know they are there. Laziness would be a problem. Not being vocal enough. Not showing enough affection. Lack of confronting issues.
I'd love the famly aspect of her. Her love of cooking. Having an analy clean house, and her responsibility with money. Her artistic talents. Her sense of humor, sexual desires, personal politics. The love of travel, the ocean, the outdoors.
3. What are some difficulties you would have in your relationship?Answer> Being in a similar situation as I am now. If I am having enough trouble searching my own self, why would I want to be with someone that is having the same dilemma? Definately a lack of communication. Lethargy would be a problem, as well as getting comfortable in a relationship.
4. If you chose her to be your lifelong partner, what would you want for her? And on the other hand, what would you want to protect her from?
Answer> Well, if this person is like me now, I already stated that I wouldnt see her as a lifepartner, but for the sake of arguement- I'd want a happy life with a stable family. I'd want to not have her worry about whether or not we could afford something. I'd want to be able to give her the opportunity to experience the world.
As for protection- I'd keep her away from drug use obviously, as well as real risky endeavors whether it be personal, emotional, or financial unless absolutely necessary. I'd prevent her family from dissipating or causing distress.
5.Do you think she would like you? What would she love/hate about you. What would her first impression be of you?
Answer> If she is me and I am her, then I would think the logical answer would be that she would think the exact same things as I am here. I think first impressions would be of a cautious and shy person that eventualy opens up. That I am freugal most of the time but still knows how to splurge now and then. Emotionally I usually can't be read or understood due to my introvertiveness.
6.Would this relationship work out in the end?
Answer> If I were to date "myself" now, I don't think it would. Granted if things change, and I am sure that some can and will in time, then I may be able to say that I could "live with myself".
I can expect anybody that dates me to be in a constant guessing game with me. What am I thinking, doing, feeling. I am not the type of person to easily and openly share those things. I couldn't say why, I just am not. I think that while dating myself wouldn't necessarily work over the long term, my loyalties to good friends would prevail on that level. It may work out something like that, unless things are different with me later on.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Die Hard 5

Saturday, May 03, 2008
question 1