Let me tell you a story. This guy in the photo was a surfer in Cali last month. He was alone. Just himself against the world and what mother nature had to offer. Mother Nature didn't adapt to him, he needed to adapt to her.
He tried, failed, and repeated the process for a while before he finally stood for a short 3 second ride. the point was that patience and perseverance paid off, even if for a short ride.
I see myself in a similar situation.
i have never been put into a situation like mine, and its ironic that I did it to myself. Maybe its a situation that I NEEDED to be in. It may be frivolous to some, and relative to others, but to me its just real.
My boss Mike last week, taught me a old Jewish proverb that seems to be coming true. That being called " three generations from sandals to sandals" . First generation started off in sandals (aka my dad) and made it on his own. Second generation being me started off in shoes, living off the first generation. The third would be my children, who lived off the luxury of my windfall and spoiled and exploited it to the point that they are once again back in sandals.
It makes sense in a lot of points.
First point- I've been requested by some people that they actually missed my update emails from my site. I've re-established this email, only on certain people. If this disturbs you let me know and I'll take you off the list.
Second- I asked most of my "friends" a question a while back to ask me a question to help me out to answer questions of myself. Only 3 people asked me anything. So be it. Screw the rest.
Third- usually I do a self update post once a year at the beginning of the year to do a self assessment as to my current situation. I feel it necessary to do it mid year because a lot has changed, this is what this post is about.
You can use the evaluation from the beginning of the year as a reference
Finances- 4.0 -4.7
This is the big one. I started this year off on the up side. With the super bowl, spring training and my own penny pinching, I was up very well. then came my self taken "sabbatical". I had planned it out well, saving and scrounging to put aside what I thought was needed for taking 4 months off of work and being able to pay bills. I did just that. I paid them all off and even still invested while I was away and not generating any income. Now I am back, and went from bringing in weekly $800-$1000 a week to a paltry $200. It stings bad. I have been living off freezer stock-piles and can goods for 3 weeks. I no longer go out unless I can only spend $10-if that....and I've only gone out once. I haven't gone grocery shopping in 3 weeks. I am starting to ride my bike to work-which is a 14 mile ride one way...in 103 degree heat. I have cancelled certain bills and utilities. I have not bought liquor in a long time, in fact, I have disassembled parts of my home bar and re-installed the original cabinet doors in some areas. To keep it short, I am a hot dog, bean, top ramen eating mo fo for now.
On the plus side, I am still forcing myself to invest and save regardless of my income. I definitely appreciate the power of the dollar. I have taken penny pinching to the level of dirty Ryan, and maybe even my dad.
Work-4.0 -1.0
I give it that drop because I gave myself up for 4 months and have been reset to the bottom rung of the totem pole. I can almost say that I created a vultured frenzy of picked up shifts after I left back in Feb. I have tried to get into a lot of business things with Dad, and the market has dictated such that it just isn't going to happen yet. People are still trying to sell too high for what the actual market is. I have no idea of what is going to happen in the next 6 months. All I know is that I need to generate some cash.
Social life- 4.0 -2.0
Obviously if I can't afford to go out, then this stings. That and its the summertime, dead heat. Also, no football, its my mourning period until Manning and the Colts take the field in glory once again in September. I don't go out much anymore. I can't afford the gas, let alone the cost of any places I go to. I also definitely don't want a DUI. I lay low, relax at home and do pretty much nothing unless its already paid for or free or further diminishes my personal bar stock.
The bitter irony? Is that 6 months ago I had finances and ideas and wanton desire to go out, be social and travel but not the time off to do it. Now I do have the time to do it, but not the finances or social network to do it.
Love life- 0.0 -7.5
once again, none of your business, especially on the net. If you are important enough, then you already know.
Family- 8.5 no change
the family is still the same. Mom and Dad are shuffling doctors. That's about it. A cousin of mine got engaged, others are working through life.
Health 7.0 +1.0
on the plus side to everything, I have a lot of extra free time to tend to my personal needs. I've been exercising nearly daily, whether it be going to the gym, yardwork, shooting hoops, walking Jenny or something else. I have lost some weight in the past month. I'd say close to 10 pounds. I've replaced it with a good amount of upper body muscle. I still don't sleep well, but I have more energy than before. I just wish that I could do more outside instead of having to deal with 100+ degrees.
Overall- 4.5 - 1.95
All I can say is that I need to change a lot of things. Personally, financially and mentally, especially the latter, or else I am going to need another getaway, only to a loony bin.
On a side note, I don't need follow up emails or comments on how I should live, or unsolicited advice. If I want help I ask. I'll take personal experiences, but if I get a " you know, when I was in your spot, I did this..." response, I won't even acknowledge it. Not that I don't appreciate the assistance, I just need to figure out and assess myself, for myself. It's easy to say what route you should take when you're not the one driving.