Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Week 2 so far

Well, so far this week has been calming and relaxing. I worked Tues and Weds, and on Weds night we went out to Frashers in Scottsdale for a nice dinner. We all had the dinner special, grilled Ono tuna with greens and a citrus cream sauce and our choice of sides. We all opted for creme brulee for dessert. Its a really nice restaurant that is dirt cheap for what you get, plus the atmosphere is relaxing. We ate in the dining room, but they also have a lounge and a bar area. So far all the times I've eaten there, I've been very happy.
This morning we all woke up, and since I had the day off, we headed out for the day. While we were out, we had the option to pass by a apartment building listing for sale. Wasn't worth it. In fact, it was in a area I was sent to before, so once I arrived I knew that it was no good. I'd rather not go to a building I own to check up on it and have to bring a sidearm.
We left the building and headed over to the Phoenix Art Museum for a few hours. It was a good time and we all saw a lot of good pieces there. Their monthly special gallery was cowboy art, and a few of them were so greatly painted that it was surreal. You expected to step into the painting. Dad really liked those. We went through the abstract, classical, fabrics, sculpture and mixed media sections for a few hours before making a pit stop in the gift shop to browse. I picked up my annual Christmas ornament for this year there, along with a pair of "Buddha Boards". Best way I can describe it, its a slate board with a strange finish on it. They give you a calligraphy brush to dip in water, then you make brush strokes on the board. The wet areas turn dark and stay there for about 5 minutes before it dries away, supposedly leaving you and the board with a clean slate. I got one for me and one for a undetermined gift.
We got out of there about 2 and headed over to the Chinese grocery store to pick up dinner and some other items. I love this store. Its dirt cheap, with good quality items. The downside of it is that its 16 miles away from home. We ended up getting 3 mackerels, 2 packs of whole sardines, 2 packs of whole mussels, some spices, taro root, shallots, chilis, fresh rolls and one whole large red snapper. We had the snapper, baked Portuguese style for dinner. It was tasty, but the fish was a bit mushy. Its the breed of fish. Usually we use a rockfish or other firm fish, but this one looked good, so we tried it out. No matter, we ate it anyways.
After dinner, Dad watched his Thursday wrestling and I made a banana bread and a pumpkin bread. While they were in the oven, I tackled updating my desktop computer. I never use the thing hardly since I have this laptop, so it keeps out of date. Two hours later, its done.
My folks made a few points today. Its true what they say, that as you get older, you don't have much time for bullshit, so you say whats on your mind. So far I've gotten out of them that I need to hurry up and try to move home, that I should get a better job, that I need to be even more careful with my money than I already am, and that tonight especially-I need to lose weight because I have a little belly. Thanks guys, and yes, I know. I've gained about 15 lbs and I have a little belly. I'm also self-conscious about it and unfortunately unmotivated to do anything about it. I just can't get in the mood. That goes with a lot of things though. Generally unmotivated. That currently sums it up.
Anyways, manana is another day, and another work day at that. Hope to make some cash.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Mom & Pop's week one
Apparently mom and pop found it necessary when they first arrived here last Sunday to try out the foosball table in the first 5 minutes. They ended in a tie. It's just funny to see two 70 yr olds dueling it out in a slow grudge match for foosball supremacy. It's been a mixed week so far of randomly shifting weather and social outings. They arrived to a 70 degree cow front only to have it go back up to 98 degrees four days later. Dad does what he does best in working religiously in the yard to surpass my standards in lieu of his own, walking jenny once or twice a day, napping on the couch and making sure to watch his wrestling. Mom uses me as a outlet to get out of the house when time permits and go shopping or go out to see or do something with cultural value.
I ended up taking them to a Broadway show at ASU last Thursday. We saw The Rat Pack, a touring impersonation song and comedy show based on Sinatra, Sammy Davis and Dean Martin. It was a very good show and the actors sang, danced and acted exactly like the original artists. Dad really liked it, which is funny because he is always...ALWAYS pessimistic about going and doing anything outside his safety bubble, but as always, he finds himself really enjoying himself. Such a hypocrite at times.
I had asked off the weekend at work to have a good family dinner and possibly to head out of town, but the trip fell through. Saturday I made a roasted turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing and pumpkin pie. A early preemptive thanksgiving if you will seeing that I never make it home for turkey day any longer. I invited some people over, but only my buddy Chris and my cousin Chris were able to make it over. It was good to have my cousin over and let him have family time. Since he moved out here for school he has been very homesick and in need of release. After a long dinner and talking, Both Chris' and I decided to give him that release he needed and walked up to the bar. We chatted and laughed for hours and even gave an impromptu karaoke singfest via the jukebox at fox & hound before i decided to get my cousin out before the bar did. Captain stumbles however can I say...unable to walk without support. Hello shopping cart. My cousin had his own personal taxi service back to the house. Dragging him inside was another daunting task. Trying to guide and carry a 6'4" boy inside to pass out was near impossible. He made it to the bedroom floor where he passed out cradling a bucket. I stayed up to watch over and make sure he passed out alright. The boy had fun and he thanked me, but it may be a while before he can hang with the big boys. I'll give him advanced training the next few sessions.
Sunday was a nice long, lazy hungover couch day. Leftovers for dinner and a early bedtime.
Today dad and I decided to excavate the recently dead 13 ft palm tree in the front. Two men, sharp instrumental tools, a chain saw, brute strength and an hour and a half later, we had palm tree logs, a new hole dug and a new navel orange tree planted in the front. Dad is passed out now and will be for a few hours. It was good exercise, which I definitely feel is needed-twenty axe and pick axe blows and I'm sweating and panting in 90 degree heat. It was good bonding time too, and we got something done. I'm making slow cooked rib tips in homemade bbq sauce for dinner, which we will gobble up before dad has his wrestling on tonite.
We'll see what week two brings.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
seriously?? fourteen thousand??

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
all I want for Christmas

I was poised with the question from a friend recently about what I would like for Christmas. Really? This early? I can't say I'm not guilty, I've already started my Christmas shopping. I don't have to deal with crowds, traffic, and insane holiday prices. Most of my shopping is online and shipped anyways. Usually too, on the rarity that I am asked this question, I always play it down and say that I never ask for anything. Well this year I have some ideas of useful items that I could benefit from having around.
A shower suction cup shaving mirror-My old one of 7 years finally broke the other day and I'm fairly certain its toast.
Socks & chonnies-they're old, holey and just plain ugly.
A weight bench with a leg lift option-fitness, plain and simple, need to do it.
A new cooler-my large camp cooler is still good, but my normal cooler is just not pulling it's weight any longer.
Dog toys for Jenny- nothing small, preferably fuzzy and squeaky to replace her beaten old ones. She hates rawhide & indestructible kong toys btw..
Playstation 3- sorry, I need my token needless gaming, but I don't see this one happening, so It'll go on my own personal shopping list to get myself along with a 50 inch LCD flatscreen TV, a spa and a new bike.
A new blender- Like my shower mirror, my first blender ever took a crap last week. I am smoothie-less currently.
Weird and exotic foods and spices- I'm a foodie and I love trying new things in the kitchen. Besides, chances are I'll cook something up or serve them to you, so in essence, you are treating yourself too.
Lastly, either come and visit me or go on a trip with me- The time spent, along with the experiences are priceless, whether it be going someplace local, or new, or out of town.
There, that should be greedy enough of me.
the start of...fall??