Saturday, December 27, 2008
christmas memories
After that I slowly embraced the “idea” of Christmas. That it was a time of giving, forgiveness and celebration for not only the birth of Jesus and the highpoint of various religious faiths across the planet, but a coming together of family and friends to express joy and love for another.
It’s a spirit that we usually lose around January 2nd, whether it be from the accursed hangover from New Year’s Eve or the inevitable return to the working grindstone.
There are memories that I do cherish for my own around the holidays from my youth that can never be replaced, yet are now substituted with current traditions. Back then, one of our uncles would go dress up in the shoddiest of Santa suits in the garage of grandma’s house and then come strutting up the block ringing a cow bell on cue from uncle Frank as he was in the living room telling stories to all us kids. He’d make us all sing carols and would call the “north pole” to find out if Santa was inbound In the air or not. Usually my Godfather would wear the suit, it really only fit him well. Some other uncles did it a few times, and even a few of my cousins or aunts, and yes, even I donned the ancient garb once to play Santa. That year Santa was the buffest and tallest he’d been.
There was always dinner and foodstuffs out on my grandparent’s dinner table. Turkey, bachaiau ( salted cod fish), desserts aplenty, appetizers and the always present bowl of M&M’s. There was always my Grandma’s Portuguese rice pudding that was well, too damn good for words. You never noticed it as kids because you were too involved with playing with each other or eagerly awaiting Santa, but man there was booze all around. Our aunts and uncles could, and still do drink like fish.
Grandpa used to have a warm fire going as he sat in HIS easy chair watching the family enjoy themselves around him. Then usually about 10:30-11pm, We all got dragged to midnight mass at church. In my family’s earlier days as Portuguese Catholics, it was mandated that you go. Now it’s a stark contrast as only a rare handful go to mass. My parents have been the only bastion of reliability on that part, due to no small part of them being dedicated to the choir.
The air back then for a 10 year old was damn near ball freezing. There was always frost on the roofs, and as you walked out of a toasty warm house to get into the icebox of a car, you’d see your breath all the way. In fact, you’ll see your breath during the entire car ride to the church. Midnight mass back then truly was midnight mass. It would start at midnight and end at 2am Later on during my high school years, the parishioners decided to try and get a bigger turnout by starting it at 11pm. It increased the turnout for a while, and then the demographics of the attendees and the housing area changed to a larger Hispanic population, which changed the mass further and eventually forced the change of priests, choirs, parishioners and finally the entire attendance. My parents finally gave up on Mt. Carmel church when I was in college and they moved, along with a choir director and other members to their current location at St. Pius, a few miles to the southwest.
The only true feeling that hasn’t changed all that much is there has always been a reason to come home Christmas eve after the festivities and mass. My parents and I would turn on a Christmas carol or Pope mass program, have a light snack, maybe some tea and give each other our gifts and maybe have one waiting in the morning for us.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Still getting shots in

Sunday, December 21, 2008
All mine

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Flying the friendly skies

Ah air travel, remember back in the days of the younger years? Hell, I still remember when smoking was allowed on flights. Along with complimentary meals, extra snacks, free headphones, more legroom, hot stewardesses, no threats of terrorist takeovers ( and speaking of, I miss not being able to take my pocketknife on a flight in case I need to defend myself or open a rogue bag of unopenable nuts).
I’ve noticed certain things when I fly. I’m not exaggerating on these next few items either. First, it doesn’t matter if I show up an hour early, two hours early, or 15 minutes before boarding, I am always one of the last ones to board the plane. I can remember once, I was on a night flight to San Diego back in 1994 to shack up with Ryan for a few days and check out some colleges to go to. I boarded in San Jose, and there was literally about 12 people on the flight. I still got a end of the line boarding pass and had to sit through the gate attendee go through the usual rigmarole of having to follow row calling procedures. Second, I always…always end up sitting behind a person who has to recline that damn seat back into my face. Pardon me, do you have head lice? Well I can see them. I’m also writing this on the plane right now at a 30% twisted side angle because of said lady who is in fact, having her head relaxed back far enough into my chest. At least I have the entire row to myself and I can spill out into the next seat with my gear.
Lets discuss the peanut situation now. I like nuts (not that kind of nuts you pervert). I like mawing down on an occasional peanut or 40. Now, there is something magical about that small pack of fourteen $236 airplane peanuts. It’s like, even if you don’t like nuts, the fact that you forked over two hundred bucks makes you a instant fan. Some people are fanatical about them. In fact, if they don’t get that nut sack, it’s as if the world is ending. Now pay attention to the nut eating etiquette. You have different classes of eaters. You have the solo artists, who try to moderate and ration the peanuts as if there is a planewide peanut shortage of biblical proportions which makes them either save the bag for later private time off the plane or more commonly, they’ll sit there eating one peanut at a time like some rabidly obsessed squirrel. On the opposite spectrum you have the peanut glutton, who will inhale the entire nut sac in one fail swoop. The human peanut vacuum they are. Guard your nuts on your life, less they will suck your bag into the gaping abyss too. Myself, I am a happy medium. I get about 5 nuts in my hand and toss about 4 of those sized handfuls into my gullet.
Now then, as for other observations…hmmm…lets see. Let me look around the flight here…you have the old salty war vet and his wife up front. Both are above 80 years old and smelling of a curious concoction of ben gay, mothballs and sauerkraut. Granny saved her peanuts in her purse for later. No doubt that in that bag of hers there is at least 10 other bags of nuts, a pack of sugar free gum, butterscotch disks, tissues, big red blood pressure horse pills, and assorted trash bits.
There’s the young make-out couple across the aisle. They are taking cuddling to a whole other level. As well as making out. Yeah, ok, we know you guys are so in love that its sickeningly sweet. Its as if I downed an entire bottle of pancake syrup and then brushed my teeth with butter-cream frosting. As for you two lovebirds thinking you’re being slick by trying to cuddle underneath a tiny sweater…I know what various hands are doing under that thing. Find the salami anyone? Possibly a rousing game of stinky pinky.
There’s the mid twenties sports dude who’s dying for a beer but in no way can he afford the exuberant cost for a small adult beverage in-flight. Instead, he resorts to trading barbs with his buddy across the seat from him in a adolescent, fraternal, closet gay way. He’s not gay though, no way dude, he loooves the ladies, and GO (__insert local favorite sports team here to validate masculinity__)!!! I joke though…but he is an Oakland A’s fan though…
Of course, there is always that taboo single traveling hot chick that you in no way feasible have the cojones to talk to, but you damn wish you were sitting next to the entire flight. The only problem is that if you were sitting there, you would no doubt get caught at least a few times starring at various sexy body parts. Yeah horndog, I know, I know. You would like to give her a tour of the cockpit, but face it, your best line would probably consist of something along the lines of offering some airline peanuts which would end in one of two ways. One, she’d take personal offense in thinking something is subliminally meant by offering her to put your nuts in her mouth to chow on, or two; she would be one of the two earlier discussed peanut eaters, which would either make her a crazy nut hoarder or a disgusting nut consumer. Either way, you lose, so go back to reading that skymall magazine and imagining fantasies with her every 30 seconds or so on average that guys think of things sexual.
Amazingly, the one thing that I am missing on this flight is either the 300 lb behemoth of a person that is sometimes crammed into the seat next to you (that you usually get instead of the hot chick, and he smells of a wonderful goat cheese & acidulous B.O. stank) who asks for (actually demands…and you will comply if you wish to live) your spare peanuts, or the lovingly loud screaming child that will scream for no damn reason. I swear, you could have the most fantastical perfectly heaven-send breast that you or the entire world would want to suckle on in front of you kid, but instead you decide to screw the entire flight’s passenger’s universes by yelling your head off. Remember kid, one day when you’re thirty, you’ll be sitting next to a super-hot babe making your move with your peanuts and there will be a mother and child in front of you who will interrupt your stinky pinky game by reclining all the way back into your chest to scream its head off. Karma’s a bitch kid.
Now then, let’s put up that tray table and seat to it’s full and upright position and prepare for landing….*ding*
Up til today
So, tonite, we are having a small dinner with two of his brothers and us. We're making a ham and some sides, and we ordered him a nice birthday cake. It will be a long day for me today since right after I get off the plane and in the house I will be cooking and prepping. I shouldn't be able to relax until about 11pm, and then its off to sleep before coming right back here to Phoenix tomorrow. It will be worth it though.
Mom decided to get him a nice watch for a gift and I booked all of us a trip to Kauai in March for a long overdue, relaxing family vacation. Unfortunately due to a unforeseen credit card hiccup, the surprise was blown for him as he got wind of what I was doing. He doesn't seem to be putting up a fight for right now, but I'm sure he will try to be pessimistic about it. He's already tried to drop the "we can't make far future plans because we don't know when doctors appointments are going to be" excuse. I told him to shut it, seeing that the trip is 5 days and he can schedule around it.
I think its a trade off now days for what we have to give and learn from eachother. He's shown me temperance, financial smarts, do-it-yourself skills and determination. I think it's my job to show him how to enjoy life a little. Outside of roadtrips to Arizona or southern Cali ( which usually always have a tie-in to a business agenda), the last vacation, or family vacation at that too, was in 1994 when we all went to the Azores. Over 14...FOURTEEN years ago. There's something inherently wrong with that.
Outside of plans for today, this week has been a, um, average week with some interesting nuances. It's been week two of being off my vitamin supplements, and my sleep has continued to be better and more resting. The awkward part about it is that as I sleep, my dreams have gotten exponentially more vivid and intense. The strangeness of the dreams varies, but two nights ago I had a strange dream about a lobster king disguised as a human attempting to kill us all. With the assistance of my boss, some of my work crew and my ex girlfriend, we lured him into a steam tunnel with abandoned cars in it and "steamed" him to death.
Crystal has been making near nightly cameo appearances in my dreams. Some are disturbing, most of the time we have an argument in the dream and things are just awkward for the mostpart in them.
Work has been good for money this week, unfortunately the clientele has been lackluster. Assholes and elbows mostly. There was a pair of fights last night, including one outside that starred a chick vs a dude. I'll give the dude some credit, he let her wait on him for a bit before common sense clicked in his head being..."alright, if your talking shit like a dude, starting a fight, and hitting me like a's on." He ended up hitting her a few times in the face, giving her a lump on the head, a busted bloody nose and a fat lip. Some customers and employees broke up the fight, but no repercussions were made on the dude seeing that everyone agreed that the girl was deserving of him defending himself.
I made 30 clove garlic chicken Thursday. It was delicious.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
A grand experiment

It was a bit strange not having people over or to go out for Sunday football today and not tearing it up. I did have a productive and as ease day off however. I got up at 11:30 after a 6 hour sleep feeling refreshed. I put some ball on as I got a light breakfast together and defrosted a steak for dinner. After that, I gathered a bank deposit and walked Jenny on a 4 mile walk to the bank and back. I took my time and even drained my iPod battery on the stroll. I got back, paid my bills off, finished laundry, had some lunch, picked the last crop of my peppers before winter claims back the plants, reorganized the patio and played some games before having dinner and watching discovery tv.
The past few days I've been working in the garden, planted a tree, baked some banana and cranberry breads, tidied up the house some, Christmas shopped and other small stuff too. I was wondering how I suddenly got enough energy to do things again this week.
Well for one, I wasn't hungover after a Sunday party day, so yes, the refrain from liquor is definitely a plus, but I experimented a bit further. For the past few months I had been maintaining a steady regimen of supplements for my meals (or lack thereof). I was taking a daily dose of Vitamin B-12, echinacia, DHEA, and another multivitamin. The echinacia and the DHEA aren't the problem, but the vitamins, I feel, were throwing my body even further out of sync. The B-12, while not harmful to your body, effectively acted like a energy booster. Unlike a drinkable energy drink like Redbull or Rockstar which have a heavy vitamin and sugar crash, usually B-12 doesn't have that serious of an effect.
Unfortunately mixing the supplements with a hangover caused a very ugly rollercoaster ride that made me even more moody than I usually am. So this week, without taking supplements and not drinking, I am sleeping less but with more rest and have been very productive this week.
I'll see how this next week progresses going into my Dad's birthday next Sunday when I go home for a day.
drudging up the past
I was digging around for old photos of family to make presents for some of my family when I dragged up some pics of Doug, Dirty Ryan and I from well back in high school. It's amazing how fast time passes!
At Pescadero beach in January of 94
Ah, Dirty Ryan on one of our many bike rides back in the day. I bet Dirty missed that good ole bike.
Ryan and the Dog Broad Izzy at Pescadero
Douglas "reflecting" on something at Bean Hollow beach
Ah, the infamous trizan hack pick in front of Ryan's house after a hacky sack session back in 93. I really...really miss those shorts. I literally wore them until they were nothing more than ripped strips.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Making it look like Christmas threw up in my house

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Climbing out of the rabbit hole for a dose of reality.