If someone you care very deeply for was brutally murdered, and you know who the person is, if they were put on trial and acquitted of the crime, would you seek revenge?
For the people that know me well enough, I think that they would know that the answer would be yes, of course. How I would go about it would be another story. It would honestly take every scrap of morality and the perseverance of a saint to refrain from immediately going to the guilty party or parties residence and just go to town on a vicious revengeful killing spree.
There are far better ways to make someone pay for their crimes. It would be much more fulfilling to have one's own version of personal biblical justice be done on a transgressor. It's an ultimate failure that the judicial system has brought upon itself. Nowdays, we have to be not only politically correct, but humane and merciful to even the worst criminals in society. Child molesters get short prison terms, murderers get off in a few years, and even the people on death row get basically a life sentence worth of appeals and hearings and delays. We are to believe that criminals are best treated with rehabilitation and compassion, despite the lack of the latter in which they committed their crimes. In theory, rehabilitation can work, but only with a good support system and placing them in an environment that is better than the person was in when they committed the crime. In reality, that is not done. So instead, we dump $150,000 per year, per criminal to give them a comfortable existence wherein they find "god" or further hone their criminal minds and are then released back into the same existence they had when they first committed their crimes. That led to the start of some states to issue three strikes policies, that still, really don't work.
To exact my own justice? The punishment should fit the severity of the crime, no matter how the punishment is served up. Biblical ways state eyes for eyes and tooth for tooth. A safe enough bet in most circumstances. Yes, I know accidents happen, but for those blatant and cruelly premeditated crimes...the more elaborate the punishment the better.
A simple and steady eroding away of all that person had. Take away their life. Take away everything they love and all things that comfort them. Make them feel so small, and so ashamed of the crimes that they committed that they no longer wish to exist. I'm not talking about killing off innocents or killing in general, just trying to take everything away from that person so that they can reasonably feel what it is like to be at suck a great loss. If they take their own life, so be it, but that would be their own decision.
Am I cruel and unreasonable? Or am I justified?