Phoenix Time

Friday, July 15, 2011


Its been since March that I got on here and updated anything, not that there would be much of you out there that still follow my scribblings.
there has been a lot of travelling during the first half of this year, between Denver, San Francisco, Hawaii, St. Thomas, Chicago and Las Vegas, I am pretty travelled out, and so is my wallet. It was all worth it though, seeing new places and new experiences. Carolyn made sure that i achieved a life goal this year in getting on a surfboard for the first time, in of all places, North Shore Oahu, Hawaii. It was a bitchin ride too, dropping in on a huge one foot tall wave and having it bear down on the back of you. one of the hardest things I've done so far I tell you. You can't imagine how hard it is, even on a little ripple like that to get vertical on a stick. You quickly learn how many different muscles you have that you never use....and the value of sunblock in places that you don't normally put on (i.e.-scalp and backs of your knees).
I've been putting my feet to the grindstone in the vinting department after winning an unexpected gold medal in the International armature winemaker competition for last year's Piesporter. I've since bottled a Chianti, Apple Riesling, Champagne, Blush and currently have a Vognier fermenting as I speak.
I also have all the gear needed to make an attempt at brewing beer. I just need to get off my butt and hammer it out one day with either the hefe or stout ingredients I have.
Work on the house this year has gone well. We have the doors, screens and windows being worked on and some done. We've done some landscaping in front, and the garden is thriving well.
The dogs are all healthy, even after Izzy's scare with her back issues. Jenny is getting older, more jealous and very crotchety. Trooper is, and always will be my little retard. To celebrate the fourth of July, he got his nose into the planter in the kitchen and consumed an entire handheld U.S. flag and stick. Considered a blessing or a curse depending on how you look at it, I found said flag, in its undigested entirety, on the lawn a few days later.
I have had a few job bites at a major distributor job here in Phoenix after doing my term of Jury Duty in May, and I am still waiting to see what may come of it and my chances of finding another stable job with much needed benefits and growth. Other options are still out on the table as well, but with the current economy, nothing is for certain and if anything does come my way, its best advised to jump on it, even if if may mean taking a step back in order to leap forward.
Carolyn was able to procure tickets to the MLB All Star home run derby last Monday night, which marks my most major sporting event attended to date. Next stop super bowl right? It was a fun time, and probably more entertaining than the actual all star game. We paid for it however, seeing that both of us started to get sick that night, and ended up getting knocked on our butts with a flu bug for 4 days. That was not all.
the 4th of July was a great time. I ended up staying here while Carolyn was in Detroit and Milwaukee for that week. I was able to hang with good friends and have some fun times. Arizona legalized fireworks in the state, so for the first time since my childhood, I was able to use some explosives. Funny though how they seemed so much grander when you were 4 feet tall and ten years old. Aw, who am I kidding, anytime you can blow stuff up in your backyard is a great time...
I also was finally able to see my buddy Chris, who I haven't seen in 7 months. He's been battling health and work issues, has seen better days, but is doing the best he can. It was good to see everyone that weekend.
We received a nice unexpected care pack at work for a couple of us from one of our customers. Chris Klenakis, the offensive line coach for the Arkansas razorbacks sent us a box of rather pricey hats and shirts to use. It was very nice of him to do that, and totally unexpected. I won't be wearing it on ASU gamedays obviously, but as Justin put it, as for the SEC," I don't have a problem rolling with some hogs.." Coach K is a pretty stand up guy, and from what I've seen and talk to him about, he's a good man to know.
As for anything on the horizon, not much as I can see. No major trips are planned. We would have liked to try and get out to Hermosa Beach this summer for a weekend, but that is up in air depending on time and cash. All we are waiting for is for this summer, which has been deceivingly mild, to end before everything gets more active in the fall.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The value of friends

This month, my live in lady has company coming in every weekend to stay with us. With the exception of the last visit being family, all of them are childhood friends, including one that she has known for 23 + years. I can say I come close, seeing I've known my friend Dirty Ryan since I was about 10. I am 34 now. Dirty Ryan now resides in Japan, and has been there for an astonishing decade abouts... The last contact i have had with him was a few days ago via a few sentence email checking up on him after the country got demolished from a huge earthquake there. He is fine, but outside of that however, it has been a long time since we have corresponded with each other. I can safely say that I have been an equal partner in slacking between he and I in keeping in contact. Yet that bond of friendship is a unique one that most of us have, the one of growing up with someone. To elaborate further on it, its also one that even if years go by, bearing mental illness or some other cataclysmic event, the bond still remains, and for the most part, we pick up right where we left off after high school graduation. The same goes in respect to my other buddy Douglas. He lives here in Arizona, a few miles from me. Even as we go months without hanging out, it is no problem to just sit around and do nothing.
Those childhood bonds, the ones we share through schooling and teen life lessons, are innocent at best, and sophomoric at worst. That is what makes those bonds so endearing. The sneaking out at night, a taste of a first beer or of a girl's lips, the curious trespassing on property or inner thighs, petty theft, car waterballooning, burger flipping job working teenage angst that screamed through your walkman cassette player as you loop play your "mix tape" with your amigos.Even though I may have made and lost friendships in my college and adult life, for the most part, the closest ones I had in my young years still remain intact.
Lately I have been focusing on repairing or acquiring new friendships with people to come close to the same bonds as youth. It isn't the same. The grown up experiences and differences are unfathomable to attempt to recycle an innocent youth. While I can strive to make new friends, I should remind myself, and those others out there in my past of bonds that existed long ago.
Its that warm blanket, sitting on the couch in front of the Christmas tree and fireplace while its freezing outside as a kid feeling that makes whatever stress you had just go away for a while as you reminisce.
I was reading an article on MSN tonight about when and what to throw away childhood memorabilia. At one point in the article, the author quoted about digging out her old yearbooks and the backpage senior quote pages. I had totally forgotten about purchasing one of them back in 1994 until now. Digging it out, it was a awesome touchstone to the past and all of my friends. I also remembered my flaw it it that I wrote way to damn small for the actual yearbook that even if someone I named in it tried to read it, they would need a microscope to see it. So, I scanned it, blew it up, sharpened it and it was still barely legible.

So in closing, I'll try to translate as best I can. Remember, sophomoric at worst right? It pretty lame, but then again, so was high school...pretty much left to right...
"H20 polo crew, you guys are sick. Brendan A. Adam B.(cool daddy-o), Gavin W. (shpeedos mon, slurpees),Jared Kohler (smooth & creamy), Long N.(cool daddy), Dan T. Sean M. Jason Foisy (FRESHMAN!),Matt Varney, Carlos C.,Lisa T & Colleen Mc. You guys are the best, see you next year, thanks for the memories. Salute! Camel Man! To Coach Frank-I love you bro, you're the best, thanks. To my lost cousin Sonia Bray-We all love you and will never forget you. RIP Love cousin Marc.
To my loving cousin Tina D.thanks for being there for me. Love always, Marc.
Marc Demelo 94!Portuguese Pride! Viva Italia! Class of 94! Whats up? We've been through a lot eh?In a way, I'm sad to go because all of my friends are going too.You're a part of me, I'm going to miss you all. To Mike Hagan,Tony Easley (my art rival). To my pisan Nick Torre-she passed the test. David Coffaro, the ocean man. Juaquin V. (Barney!) & Ken B. Tom Traung-eh, Ryan is still a good guy. Vince Bravo-thanks for being there for Tina. Steve Miloch-the Mortal K-bat king!Johnny Cage! Rigo Hartmann- You got my respect 4 being there 4 Sarah. Jovan "Poo" Barnes, What's up? Zahedi G- NORM!! Sam Curlee-my artistic bud.
To all the women out there- I couldn't find a better bunch anywhere else! Amy Laudenslayer-hey babe, stay physical.Allison Pelfini-SMILE! Nicole Leone & Christie K.-I luv you as the sisters I never had. Thanx. Niki Costello, Ruth Bravo, Vanessa Chavez & Amy Ellington, luv y'all. Heidi Schaffer,luv u, thanx for helping Sarah-you're the best. Sue Couret, you are my first love, too bad things didn't work out-but I still care 4 ya. Sarah Fisher-what's going to happen 2 us? I still care for ya,luv always.To Tina,Jenny and Jeanette, luv cousin Marc!
To my pisan Ryan D. aka EDDIE. How da $#@! are ya doin. I could never find a bro like ya. Yuv ya man! The shpeedos mon.
To Mr. Engleman-The 2nd father of mine.Luv ya bro, can't thank you enough,keep in touch ok? Mr. Farina-my pisan, thanks.Mr Ulloa,Mr.Dodge,Mr. Queen,Mrs. Odington thanks.
U2, Pearl Jam, Stone T Ps. Hack-fest 93-94, go Doug!To Doug H. aka Vizzy Z. Am I gonna have to shoot you? See ya my pisan."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

resounding haitus

Remember back in elementary school how your views of time and space were definitely skewed? Summer couldn't get to you fast enough, and when it did, it seemed to last forever. That concept changes in adult life, and time not only seems to fly by, but at the same time, you got a lot of long days to deal with. Seven months ago was my last updated posting on the blog site. Its not that I haven't had the time to do it, as I have plenty of free time during weekdays, but I suppose my motivations have changed. Don't worry, i wont go into a detailed listing of my daily or weekly events over the latter part of 2010, but I will at least attempt to do a brief year in review as I usually do.
Whereas 2009 was the year of the Ox, 2010 was the year of the Tiger. A year full of unpredictability, fast actions, and erratic behaviors.
Finances- 8.0 + .5 from 2009
I can not say that I made more money this year, but I did save more this year. Towards the end, I turned saved money into larger purchases for myself and others. Call it a self induced stimulus package. I made smart investing decisions, along with some patience, that ended up turning me a profit. Due to Carolyn and I now living together, it slashes out expenses drastically, which should bolster our accounts this year even further.
Work- 5.0 +1.0 from 2009
I am now the senior employee at my job. Trust me, that is not an achieved life goal. It is up 1 because business has been good, my attitude is a bit more relaxed at work, my schedule has opened up to have 2 consecutive, weekend days off, and for the most part, I am injury free. That still does not justify staying at the job any longer than necessary, but there are wheels turning for master plans to potentially come into fruition.
Social Life-4.5 down 1.5 from 2009
How delicately can I put this? Carolyn is more than not, my only social outlet.That is NOT a complaint. She is my partner in crime and confidant. Some acquaintances (especially ones that owe me) have disappeared or have been removed from my circle. I have not really seen or hung out with the majority of my best friends in a very long time. And its not for my lack of trying. Sean has been a closer friend to me in the past 6 months than anyone else, even though he has been shuttling between Arizona and California almost weekly. He finally landed a full time job here in Phoenix, so he should be around more.
Love life-9.0 +.5 from 2009
Its up and I am very happy. Everything else is not your business.
Spirituality-5.0 +1.0 from 2009
I had it out with God, or whatever force is out there a 5 months back. I cursed his name and spat at it. I also made my peace with it on my own one stormy day a month or so ago. Not that I am going to start going to a church, but I think a greater being and I have a mutually assured collective bargaining agreement. Basically the deal goes that I will understand and forgive whatever hardships were thrust on my during my earlier years as long as my father and mother's health improves and they are given more time here. I will keep my end of the bargain up as long as the terms are met.
Family 6.5 no change since 2009
The good news is that nobody left us this year. The rest of the family is healthy and doing well. My parents are, well, going day by day. Dad had a small piece of skin cancer cut out again, which is of no concern. He is currently dealing with major bladder and colon issues after his past prostate cancer treatments. Thousands of dollars, daily time, pills, pain,isolation, aggravation and the inability to travel 20 miles away from home is a daily occurrence for them right now. they did not make it out to AZ last year to visit due to treatments of dad's issues, which are still currently ongoing. Mom got a needed outpatient leg vein procedure done in December which should help her mobility. I can call and visit as much as I can, but the rest of the family doesn't really go to visit or help out all too much (*ahem...hint...hint...for the bunch of family that lives 100 miles or less from him, they could use you). Christmas was not fun. I hardly spent time with family for the week. It was depressing to see my parents, my foundation in life, down and out and needing assistance.
Health 5.5 +1.5
My weight is stable. I can do physical activities a little better this year. My eating habits have somewhat improved. I try to incorporate a fruit or vegetable in each meal. Certain unhealthy vices and habits of mine have gotten less or are entirely gone. My dental report card is good. for the first time in a long time, I have gone a year or more without a cavity. My mental state is alright. I can still breakdown at random times, but with my lady at my side, I have someone to confide in at all times.
Overall- 6.2 +.5
Anytime I can say that my life as a whole has improved, even by the slimmest of margins, is a good thing. The thing about it is to keep things progressing in a positive way, or to make the needed changes to make things better. We have a new addition to the family in Izzy, a 19 lb French Bulldog. She is our lovable little tank of a dog. Jenny may not like it, but she has to share the mantle of queen bee in the house now.
On a side note, I did achieve items on my Life goal list.
I found #1. Someone to 1.Find that person and spend the rest of my time and travels with her. And #5 Make my own wine.
I believe that it is the first time that i have achieved a life goal(s) outside of completing high school and college. It feels good to do so. Here's a full list (cut n paste to see)
This year has the potential to have a lot of new and grand experiences. I will be doing a lot of travel in the the next 60 days. St. Thomas, Vegas, Hawaii. Friends visiting from out of town. Hopefully family will visit soon. Employment may change. Depending on how drastically employment changes, so might the place we live. Either way, I am eager for this year, and starting to get excited.