Its been since March that I got on here and updated anything, not that there would be much of you out there that still follow my scribblings.
there has been a lot of travelling during the first half of this year, between Denver, San Francisco, Hawaii, St. Thomas, Chicago and Las Vegas, I am pretty travelled out, and so is my wallet. It was all worth it though, seeing new places and new experiences. Carolyn made sure that i achieved a life goal this year in getting on a surfboard for the first time, in of all places, North Shore Oahu, Hawaii. It was a bitchin ride too, dropping in on a huge one foot tall wave and having it bear down on the back of you. one of the hardest things I've done so far I tell you. You can't imagine how hard it is, even on a little ripple like that to get vertical on a stick. You quickly learn how many different muscles you have that you never use....and the value of sunblock in places that you don't normally put on (i.e.-scalp and backs of your knees).
I've been putting my feet to the grindstone in the vinting department after winning an unexpected gold medal in the International armature winemaker competition for last year's Piesporter. I've since bottled a Chianti, Apple Riesling, Champagne, Blush and currently have a Vognier fermenting as I speak.
I also have all the gear needed to make an attempt at brewing beer. I just need to get off my butt and hammer it out one day with either the hefe or stout ingredients I have.
I also have all the gear needed to make an attempt at brewing beer. I just need to get off my butt and hammer it out one day with either the hefe or stout ingredients I have.
Work on the house this year has gone well. We have the doors, screens and windows being worked on and some done. We've done some landscaping in front, and the garden is thriving well.
The dogs are all healthy, even after Izzy's scare with her back issues. Jenny is getting older, more jealous and very crotchety. Trooper is, and always will be my little retard. To celebrate the fourth of July, he got his nose into the planter in the kitchen and consumed an entire handheld U.S. flag and stick. Considered a blessing or a curse depending on how you look at it, I found said flag, in its undigested entirety, on the lawn a few days later.
I have had a few job bites at a major distributor job here in Phoenix after doing my term of Jury Duty in May, and I am still waiting to see what may come of it and my chances of finding another stable job with much needed benefits and growth. Other options are still out on the table as well, but with the current economy, nothing is for certain and if anything does come my way, its best advised to jump on it, even if if may mean taking a step back in order to leap forward.
Carolyn was able to procure tickets to the MLB All Star home run derby last Monday night, which marks my most major sporting event attended to date. Next stop super bowl right? It was a fun time, and probably more entertaining than the actual all star game. We paid for it however, seeing that both of us started to get sick that night, and ended up getting knocked on our butts with a flu bug for 4 days. That was not fun....at all.
the 4th of July was a great time. I ended up staying here while Carolyn was in Detroit and Milwaukee for that week. I was able to hang with good friends and have some fun times. Arizona legalized fireworks in the state, so for the first time since my childhood, I was able to use some explosives. Funny though how they seemed so much grander when you were 4 feet tall and ten years old. Aw, who am I kidding, anytime you can blow stuff up in your backyard is a great time...
I also was finally able to see my buddy Chris, who I haven't seen in 7 months. He's been battling health and work issues, has seen better days, but is doing the best he can. It was good to see everyone that weekend.
We received a nice unexpected care pack at work for a couple of us from one of our customers. Chris Klenakis, the offensive line coach for the Arkansas razorbacks sent us a box of rather pricey hats and shirts to use. It was very nice of him to do that, and totally unexpected. I won't be wearing it on ASU gamedays obviously, but as Justin put it, as for the SEC," I don't have a problem rolling with some hogs.." Coach K is a pretty stand up guy, and from what I've seen and talk to him about, he's a good man to know.
As for anything on the horizon, not much as I can see. No major trips are planned. We would have liked to try and get out to Hermosa Beach this summer for a weekend, but that is up in air depending on time and cash. All we are waiting for is for this summer, which has been deceivingly mild, to end before everything gets more active in the fall.