Friday, December 28, 2007
Cold goodbyes

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Godspeed- a prosperous journey

Bounty Hunter and Bite Me
Pillar Point Harbor
Half Moon Bay 12/07

Pulgas Temple

"American Watershed"
Al and Irene, Pulgas Water Temple

Cold Rose
Red Morton Park Rose Garden

Bottlebrush wheatgrass
John Gill School
Crazy chickens and frozen souls
Christmas eve was a late night's start for me. We had a ham fiasco for dinner, whether it was an old pig or stubborn oven, a small ham which should have taken a little less than 2 hours took close to 3, with some minor charring of sugary glaze on the oven walls. Nevertheless still tasty.
I headed down to my Godfathers house later than usual, making sure I didn't show up during their dinner. The mood was subdued. Still somewhat happy and pleased that we were all around eachother, but it felt as if something was missing. I still had a good time and left with a smile on my face from memories of Tina's crazy chicken dog toy tirade.

Christmas Day we slept in, and then had a good breakfast. My folks went to church and I relaxed on the couch with the laptop. Around 3 we headed across the bay to my uncle Frank's house for Christmas Day dinner. There was a lot of really good foods, best of which was the smoked turkey and bachalaiu (bach-I'll-oww) bread bowl-a salted codfish & bean mix in a bread bowl.
We ate and drank, a lot...My uncles and I mostly, bottles of red wine and scotches. With the food though, I only had a slight buzz. Regardless, I made Dad drive home to be safe.
We still had the typical drama with my grandma and P.O.S. uncle which sparked stressed heated talk at the dinnertable, but it was expected unfortunately, and we did change the topic quickly.
It was an early night and we all slept well.
Today, the 26th was a relaxed day. My father and I took a long walk early in the morning and talked about his past a bit while walking towards my godfather's house. We stopped by on his day off to see if anything was planned for a family dinner. Later on that day we decided to postpone it until the next day.
After our walk, we got home and drove to Half Moon Bay to pick up some pigeon feed and to get some chowder and calamari at our restaurant near the docks. It was clear skies, but cold and windy. The wind chill dropped the temps into the 40's.

A light and tasty lunch later, we headed home. I went on a walk a few hours ago and decided to take a bunch of pictures along the way like I usually do. It was 3 pm and brutally cold. Long pants, underarmour thermal top, fleece, gloves and a ski cap and I was still frozen. The wind chill came and slapped me in the face like a hard studded leather glove from a pissed off southern gentleman. I still marched on through my old schools and parks, memory lanes and nostalgic streets, sucking on sweet and sour clover flower stems as I did as a child,taking pictures of places and plants in the frigid December air that I long to live in once again.

Monday, December 17, 2007
2007: Trying to find balance

Thursday, December 13, 2007
old guys packing walnuts
The play by play....
I park on the south side and enter through the less crowded garden entrance. I arrive at the door, grab a cart and say hi and nod to the old greeter dude there.
I'm walking past him and he stops me short...like literally gets his 74 year old body in front of mine and halts me..
"See that lady over there ducking past the trees across the street?? Damn she has a nice backside."
I was caught off guard. I spin around to try and make sense of his potential gibberish and spy a future soccer mom in skin tight black pants 300 feet away.
"That is nice...can you buy that in here?
"No, I don't think so..."
"I'll tell you what, I can't buy any, but if I find out where they sell that, I'll come back and tell you so you can go get one"
"Yeeah, ok, I tell you though, I may be real old, but I know what looks good."
"I hear you, it doesn't matter how old you are, as long as you can still perform."
He chuckles, "I guess so, you're right there."
He then grabs hold of my arm and pulls in closer, " You know, I still pack some walnuts..."
I laughed my ass off and walked into the store....
If only every greeter there was as cool as that guy...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mr Invisibl ...
Anyways, I can relate. I am here, but I have disappeared for the most part.
I work, I come home, I occasionally cook dinner, get tanked at home once a week, passout, repeat.
Outside of that, I've been Christmas shopping and shipping things out to Cali ahead of time as a pre-emptive strike for the holiday gatherings. Which is about a week out, and I am definitely looking forward to getting the puck out of here for a week.
Now, when I say Christmas shopping, I'm not necessarily excluding myself. In fact, for the first time, I've given more to myself than to others. Trust me, I still gave, but I liked the fact of spoiling myself after years of self-neglect.

So, new laptop ( which directly ties into my future vision quest next year...more details later),
fully upgraded my old outdated ( and still reasonably outdated) desktop PC, new clothes, gadgets, toys, movies, appliances and what nots. Whats funny about it is that it all wouldn't be possible, along with the other Xmas gifts, if I had pulled the holiday party...which was scheduled to had been last weekend. No stress, no time pressure, more cash and a happier me.
Yes, I've had some local adventures here and there, not too much to write about, or to be any of your non-essential business.
I have some issues to develop and write about, but that is for another time.
Till next time, I'm still alive and breathing...and I disappear.....
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Last days of Innocence
*fall 1993, senior year*
A glass of wine down and in the middle of a 3 way international conference call last night, my two old friends of mine and I started to reminisce and discuss how we (or people in general) lose the carefree nature that we all had in our youth.
Full fledged adults now, with mortgages, bills, 9-5 jobs, responsibilities and even a wife now, we have all seemed to forgotten the carefree nature that we once had. It's a sobering and bittersweet feeling to have fading feelings of those days. Now days we spend most of our hours trying to make a comfortable lifestyle by working our asses off. The irony of those days was that we didn't have to work at all to live an aesthetic lifestyle of being happy.
I put it bluntly to Ryan last night in saying how I remember how easy it was to come home from school, drop off the backpack, grab the basketball, head over to his house next door and roll up the street to shoot hoops until dinnertime, wolf down dinner and then head back out again to do whatever adventurous & mischievous deeds we deemed fit for ourselves until bedtime. Wake up the next day and repeat. Same after that day...til the weekend when school wasn't a factor and we had all day to misbehave and do what we wished.
Albeit, we had that carefree style due to our parents bearing the responsibility of feeding, clothing and sheltering us, but now we spend most of our days occupying ourselves with providing those same things all the while working and saving towards the far future wherein, more than likely, we will not fully be able to enjoy the fruits of our efforts due to old age.
Which is complete bullshit.
Which all the more reinforces my fledgling idea of just saying fuck it and doing things that make you happy.
We as adults have lost that ability to just "play". There is an inherit goal in some way to every action we do, which makes us jealous of our own past childhood. As youth, we did things because we just felt like it, because it gave us joy, or it was something new, or sometimes for no reason at all. Why did you jump up and down on the bed? Why did you dig in the dirt? Run after the Ice Cream man? Why did you go climb a tree? Because it was fucking there.
And it was usually better when you did it with a friend.
Monday, October 29, 2007
To hell with it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
slacker ass
Yes, I know, I've been slacking on a lot of things. Mostly because my parents have been in town for the past week and a half, and will be here through my birthday on the 31st. The trip I wanted to take them on up to Prescott that weekend is off due to the nighttime lows being too cold for them to transition from 70+ degree nites here to 38 up there.
Plan 2 was to drive out with them to San Diego to visit with my Aunt and Uncle there on Sunday and fly back to work on my birthday Wednesday, but with pretty much the entire part of Southern California being a giant charcoal briquette and my Aunt now recovering from knee replacement surgery on last Monday, that is pretty much off too. It wouldn't be a good idea for Dad to be in a smoke inundated atmosphere having basically one lung, so I think they will crash here through for another week til the air and fires clear up and my Aunt is better suited for company.
Meantime, I'll try to plan a day trip or two to somewhere interesting, that isn't cold, or too hot, or requires a lot of walking about, and suits their interests on a relative budget for all...I'll do my best. I'll try to post whatever I can in somewhat a timely fashion, but lately, I'm enjoying spending time with them and am not too worried about dictating it all promptly on the computer. Anyways, to toss in a warm and fuzzy for you, here's Dad playing with Jenny.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
What hurts your soul
Many of us have a place that nobody else can understand what it means to us. Some may be in the middle of the Rockies in fall, Paris in spring, Australia in winter. Mine, as of yet-since I have yet to be at the base of the Maori on Easter Island, is Kailua beach, Oahu.
what it takes to escape

Thursday, September 20, 2007
10 years of Aloha and Ohana
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The September Chill, chapter 2

The September Chill, chapter 1

Saturday, September 08, 2007
"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?"—Mark Twain

Friday, September 07, 2007
Viral strain

Friday, August 31, 2007
What dreams may come

Thursday, August 30, 2007
A Dennis Leary day of air combat, lawn furniture, hot dogs and vino.

This P-47 was 1/5 the size of the Phantom behind it....tiny...yet effective.
At closing time I met a docent/guard that was starting to close down the museum. I didn't get his name. He was about my late uncle Gus' age, in his 70's, with cloud white billowy hair and a cleft lip. He made me jealous by telling me that the WWII B-17 bomber that was stationed there called the Sentimental Journey, which I have seen, was on tour in the Midwest. He had just gotten back from flying on tour with them and had flown in the bombardiers seat in front as they flew over Yellowstone park.
I left quick and headed off to Tempe. I had gotten a call from my bro Chris that his brother was in his last throngs of packing for a last minute move to the east coast and needed to get rid of some things. I took home a few deck chairs, a portable fireplace, a bike and some random what nots. I also helped him move his brother's TV center to his apartment. On the way back, he and I hit up Ted's hot dogs for a foot long, hand battered O rings and a root beer. Quite tasty, and definitely defibrillator worthy.

After offering my help outside of what was asked of me, I bid them Godspeed and headed home.
As for now, I went to Trader Joe's, got some groceries and vino, then headed home to make up some steamed mussels and pasta. the mussels were steamed in a bath of lemon, olive oil, garlic and wine. The pasta was soaked in a mix of red marinara and white Alfredo sauce. for desert, oven baked Acorn squash embedded with brown sugar, cinnamon, allspice and butter.
Combine that with a bottle or two of Sebeka Cabernet pintonage and believe me, right now, I am in happyland.

Unfortunately that solo happyland is intertwined with a mix of self solace and soul searching that as of yet, isn't as productive....
Well that leaves me to say that, as I've been typing and adventuring, I've been getting slowly stewed on vino...playing repeats of Cracker's "low"
"Be with you girl, is like being low, like being stoned...don't you wanna go down...like some disgraced cosmonaut?" and Dennis Leary's " Asshole"
"You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac El Dorado convertible. HOT PINK! With whaleskin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big round baby seal eyes for headlights, YEAH! And I'm gonna drive around in that baby at 115 mph, gettin 1 mile per gallon, suckin down quarter pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers, and when I'm done suckin down those greaseball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag, and then I'm gonna toss the styrofoam containers RIGHT out the side and there aint a GODDAMN thing anyone can do about it. You know why? Cuz we got the bombs okay!!! Two words, okay..Nuclear fucking weapons!...
John Wayne's not dead, he's frozen! And as soon as we find a cure for cancer, we're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off. You know why? Ever take a cold shower? Well multiply that by fifteen million times, that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be. I'm gonna get the Duke, John Casavetties, Lee Marvin, and Sam Peckinforth, a case a whiskey and drive down to Texas. Cuz I'm an asshole...eo...eo..eoleo..."
Eat it!!!! Cuz I'm solo, an asshole and happy about it right now......and proud of it.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The pursuit of happiness

Sunday, August 26, 2007
The week in review...sponsored by Gato Negro merlot..
I say fuck it and have a bottle of wine while I cook up some mussels, ahi tuna and grilled veggies on the BBQ. As expected...the vino took over after an hour or so and Hasselhoff came out, solo.
Hasselhoff takes a shower, and guess what....walks over to Salty Senorita up the block. Slow night, I chat with my barkeep Brian, do some shots and drinks, get a tab for $8, tip like $30...which is why my tab is always $8.
I close out last call, and start stumbling home. I walk through the back of the neighborhood strip mall and I guess since its dark, and I'm sneaking through the back alleyway, Hasselhoff goes into covert ops Baywatch nights mode....
I hug a barrier wall through a dirt field and arrive at a walled and barred school grounds. Covert Hoff scans for surveillance cams and radios to base of his situation...(ie..i drunk text my friends telling them that my spy name is Steve Woodman from Yakima Washington if I get caught). I continue to infiltrate, but set on getting home I leave, not before diving into a few bushes to hide from a few oncoming cars.
I get home and decide on a whim that I'm going camping. I text whoever I feel and Crystal shows up at 5am. What usually takes me a week to organize and pack for a trip, I do drunkenly in an hour. All I forgot was a click lighter...so that's pretty fucking good for being wasted. We finally leave at 530 and I pass out on the truck ride up as Crystal drives. Wake up in Payson for a few supplies and I drive the rest of the way to camp. Arrive at 7am, set up, crack a beer and just sit to enjoy this typical view from our usual campsite.

I'm tired...dog tired now. We decide to try and sleep. Stripped down, it's warm outside. 80 degrees, which, in a tent transforms to 120. I was slow roasting and basting myself with the alcohol soaked juices flowing freely from my sweaty ass. After a few hours of playing hide and seek with clouds and the rare breeze, I was about to pass out when I hear a car door close...
Now, if you're camping out in the sticks, even though it is public land, would you just randomly walk through someone's camp?
No...but these people did. A middle aged...and fugly couple parked their spotless white jeep off to the side and then just strolled through the middle of our camp while we were laying in the tent, pretty much nekkid. I get up, hand on my sidearm and start to try and get dressed while I am trying to control a very pissed off and barking Jenny.
One of those situations where it was so rude and unbelievable that you were left speechless.
They left after a minute of checking out the "view" and left me awake, amped up and pissy.

Set up the fire while Crystal dozed, ate, drank and partied most of the night with her til 1130.
Got up in the morning to cool weather, good breakfast and talk radio only to drive home at noon to 110 degrees.
Worked Mon-Weds...nothing special.
Thursday we once again had a weekly meeting of the ABTEV (Amature beer tasters of the East Valley) at my house. One of our members was on call as the meeting progressed, so no drinking for him. I made up the slack. I did cook up a ton of good food though...oil and herb infused steamed mussels and clams, steaks, veggies and corn cobs and mesquite smoked turkey legs and pork spare ribs. So delicious...these ribs just fell apart...

Ate and drank myself sober...passed out on the couch....it was a good night.
Friday worked....slow
Saturday worked and got my ass handed to us....schools back....
Oh, finally got my lawnmower back from the repair shop. It's mowing damn good now...the only problem is that I still have a 1/4 acre lawn to mow now where the grass likes to grow a inch a day during monsoon season.....grrr! That's the week!

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Dinosaurs and coffee
After work Wednesday, I crashed hard and slept in until 1pm. Got up, took a shower and headed out to downtown Mesa. I had thought about heading to the PHX art museum, but it was closed Thursdays. So I opted for Mesa instead and their arts center...which, on my arrival, was also closed. Oh well. I just walked around Mesa and literally stumbled onto the Mesa southwest museum.
It's been years since I've been in a natural history museum, so I dished out the $8 and wandered around the place for almost 2 hours. It was nice because they had like 10 different areas and galleries, all of which, including myself, had like 12 people wandering at most. It was like I was in the museum after hours for a private show.

The Mesa museum only showcases natural history and art relating to the southwest, from the creation of the deserts, local dinosaur activity, native american life, art, cowboys & modern history, even the local movie industry in Arizona.
Believe it or not, at one time, Arizona was once mostly underwater and a lush tropical paradise. What the fuck happened to piss the gods off to make it a foul stench-hole of a desert??
At least it still gives us some beautiful things to look at. There was a art gallery displaying works by the Arizona Highways magazine showing photographs from various parts in the state. I stared at this photo for like 15 minutes. It's of a small pool of water in a sandstone canyon reflecting the surrounding cliffs in northern Arizona near Utah.

After a few hours of wandering and visiting the gift shop, I left. It felt nice to relax and feel a weight lifted off my back. I walked back to the truck and then headed over to Office Max, got a new financial program to replace the one that got erased off my computer and then made a leisurely drive to Scottsdale to the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for a iced coffee and a bagel with cream cheese. I sat in their comfy leather chair facing the window, enjoying my bagel and coffee, reading the paper, watching the oncoming dust storm for over an hour. It was comforting and slow paced. I could have easily dozed off in the chair, despite the influx of espresso in my system.
From there I headed back homeways, and decided on a whim to stop off at Cost Plus and Borders books in Mesa. I got a wine decanter and some espresso cups and a bottle of white Portuguese vinho. I walked next door to Borders and just browsed for a while before leaving to head home.
Doug got a hold of me and felt like hanging out on the clock while he worked, so he cruised over at 930. I had a couple beers and chatted before the inevitable happened and Doug got a call. Off to work he went at 1130. I was still in the mood to unwind, so I got dressed and headed up to Scottsdale again and had a few drinks at work. Buddy and Joe were there having a couple drinks, and we left to hit up Mickey's and DJ's.
A few more rounds later, I sauntered back to work, bought some sandwiches for the crew from across the street, ate mine and then split for home.
It was a well deserved day, of which, I need to do more of. Everyone I know has been telling me lately (including my Dad, ironically) that I need to start making myself happy and doing things for me. After Thursday, I see what they mean a little bit clearer. Thursday was a happy solo day, wherein the only person affecting my decisions was myself. I've been living for a long time now always being concerned about what others would like that I've ridiculously been ignoring my own needs and wants, and because of that, I've unknowingly been dumping on more stress and depression onto myself. I need to take stock in my own well being more, otherwise, the cost at the end would be too much of a loss to live with myself.
Peace out from my own private sanctuary.