What's ironic about this vacation is that I am doing it in two parts, and in two very drastic extremes. The first part was camping in the middle of butt fuggin Egypt, where it's 34 degrees at night. I unfortunately get to leave that paradise, literally for paradise as I got back today from a 4 day camping trip to go to bed and get on a plane bound for Hawaii in the morning. How cool is that? I am leaving my vacation for a vacation.
After prepping and finalizing all week, Friday arrived. I was scheduled to work, but a buddy, Buddy called and offered to work my shift for me. Super cool, it meant I was free to leave with everyone else Friday morning. We rolled out late, around noon. Headed down and secured our site. It was overcast and windy. No biggie right? So we thought...
Day 1 casualties-
After trying to set up a lean-to for shelter like we usually do, the breezy conditions turned into a full fledged storm front and successively blew down our shelter 3 times, once knocking Crystal in the head. Many explicatives were yelled. We devised another plan for the shelter which made it cozier, but significantly more stable. Cool. Jenny was out wandering around and got her face in a bunch of cactus which ended up with a huge chunk of it stuck in her mouth. Not cool. She got over it fairly quickly.
Second priority, assemble tents. Somehow, in the middle of a windy day, these went off without a hitch.
Third priority, fire. Assembled a fire ring and now we needed to go search the desert for wood. There is a lot of wood in the desert, but not a lot of GOOD wood in the desert. Most pieces are smaller than a loaf of bread and are hollow, so it burns in a nanosecond. We head down a side road from camp that ends in a nearby wash. A very sandy wash, which I drove my 2 wheel drive vehicle right into. After digging with our hands and a foldable army shovel for a hour whilst shoving various rocks under the wheels to try and get traction, the truck was now buried axles deep in the riverbed. Time for a tow job. Chris gets his jeep and tow strap. We tried digging down under the tailgate to try and reach access to truck frame. We find a accessible piece. Chris ties it off, I throw it in reverse, Chris guns his jeep forward. My truck goes nowhere. Well, most of my truck, except for the entire left side of my bumper, which is now turned 1/4 counter-clockwise the wrong way. Dammit! I had such cool surf stickers on it too! Dig some more, find a better, thicker frame part with a stronger weld on it and finally I am free. Get back to camp and down a few beers. It's night fall now and we've wasted most of the day trying to control mother nature and my own stupidity. We all want this day over soon. Many beers later, it is.
The second day went off without a hitch for the most part. Got good sleep, woke up rested, cracked open a beer and had a hearty breakfast.
It got sunny and warm, no wind, no clouds...sweet, it's gonna be a good day. Spent most of the day lounging around, laughing, talking, drinking, snacking, playing with Jenny, napping. Then things got strange.
Chris was napping in his tent, I had a good buzz on, but was getting tired, and unfortunately sunburned. Burnt, dehydrated and drunk, I deemed that it would be a good idea to revert back to caveman days, got nekkid, and passed out on the ground under a patch of shade from our shelter. After an hour, I sobered up enough to realize that this looked a bit awkward, so I put my clothes on and continued my nap in the tent.
Got up and made some lunch for everyone. Afterwards, Chris and I went to go get firewood. We were gone for 40 minutes. We got back to find a confused looking Crystal holding Chris' .45 in her hand saying that we missed out on visitors. I'm thinking, "great, we leave and she has a coyote come through camp again." Oh no, not so. Apparently while we were gone, 4 vehicles pulled up, toting a huge generator out of Tucson. They had been planning a rave to be thrown here for the past 3 weeks and wanted our site. Well, first off, you're in public lands kids. Second off, you should have been here bright and early Friday morning to secure the site. Thirdly, you are now confronting someone holding a .45. Dejected, they told her that after flyering the city, renting generators, and *probably* buying a palette of glow-sticks and whistles, that we can expect to have 200+ people driving into our site during the night and disturbing us. Cool. They'll find a handful of drunken rifle toting republican hunters disturbing them back. Poor babies, go cry me a river, and plan your shit out better next time.
Night two, we get drunk again and have long in depth discussions about family, life and assorted what nots.
Day three, gee, the only drama we had on day three was that we started running out of hard booze, which probably was the most traumatic part of the whole trip.
Got home today and tied off all the loose ends I could before leaving my vacation today for a new vacation tomorrow.
Next post...Paradise!