Sunday was supposed to be a relaxing day. My first day off in a week riddled with dealing with drunk assclowns. I got off work Saturday night at 3, hit up Walmart for some groceries and went to bed at 5 for a 4 hour power nap before needing to get up and do chores I haven't been able to do in a week.
Get up at the butt crackin, bushy squirrel tailed hour of 9:30ish, got ready, downed some vitamins and coffee and went to work in the garden. Finally planted a orange tree that has been waiting a week sitting on the side of the house. De-weeded, trimmed and harvested for an hour. Accidentally stepped on a ant mound, which pissed them off more than Rosie O'Donnell pissed off Amy Hasselbeck. After smacking off a horde of them on and inside my shoe, I finished up, showered and got on the road to nail down the rest of my errands. Not before putting in 4 slabs of ribs in the slow cooker to chow down later. I ran around, got a haircut, got all my shopping done, got home and then drove Crystal back to her car in Scottsdale.
I got home and got ready to have guests over for a small dinner of ribs, steaks, apps and salad. Oh, and a lot of beer. A LOT of beer. I had my share, but that was the extent of my adventure at home.
Next stop was Scottsdale. I got invited to head out on the town with Bret, Chuey, Paul and a bunch of work buddies last night. I had a driver there with Crystal working the night shift, so no DUI for me. I put on a red tank top and a pair of boardshorts, and upon arrival, I was immediately given a new nickname-"Baywatch"...aka, Hasselhoff...the drunk version, not the cooler Night Rider version.
I took it in stride though and made the most of it, joking around and having a great time. It was a busy holiday weekend, and a lot of regulars, staff and friends were in drinking at the bar. It was rare and good to be out on the other side of the bar for once. Well, until we decided to leave to head off to another bar.
We all decided on heading up the block to DJ's. We grab a few extra bodies as drinking partners to come with us, one of which, was Nancy, one of our bar's regulars.
Usually DJ's is a place where our Giligin's crew can find a good time and get taken care of and we drop a lot of money their way. Apparently not this night. We roll in and I order a round of 13 shots and 3 drinks for my crew. One full price bill later and I'm done spending money at DJ's. But it gets worse. ten minutes later, Nancy orders another 13 shots, but upon trying to deliver them, all at once on a serving tray, she trips down a stair and dumps them all, breaks the glasses, falls down and spills them all over her. She's ok, but the bartender wanted her to pay for them all and then the pissant door guy went to kick her out. That's cool, whatever, all 20 or so of us tell DJ's to kiss our asses and we ALL leave to give some other bar money. Good way to run a business guys...
We head over to Mickey's and have a quick round there before coming back to work. I'm tired, blasted, extremely pissed off and eager to go home. While Crystal and the crew are closing up, I head over to the Philly company and decide to buy sandwiches for the crew. Finally some love...I get 7 huge cheesesteaks for $30. I tip them $20. Thant's how you give love.
Outside of that, I don't remember anything else. I think there was some exposure of the nuts, a botched attempt at going to a gay bar (yes, I bailed on them), random political discussions and midget humping. I so need to mount a damn camera to me when this stuff happens.