So, the Hoff was in force on Thursday night at home hanging with Chris and Doug. I think that the Hoff comes out in full force more if wine is involved. Can't help it, it just tastes so good and is pretty good for you. Anyways, besides the point.
About 1am and we have the munchies, but we obviously can't drive anywhere. Doug is crashed out in the extra bedroom because he has to get up early. So Chris and I take a walk up the street to Wal-Mart for noshing supplies.
We get there on a mission for some ice cream and taquitos. There's a combo.
While we are there I pick up a handful of vitamin waters and a gallon of milk.
We are meandering through the produce section when, in my drunken shopping vision, I see a girl in front of the veggies. What caught my eye was the fact that I could see the BONES IN HER ARMS!! Her skin was starting to hang off them, as well as the rest of her 80 lb body.
Totally grossed out now, I look at her cart...she had 5 heads of lettuce in it and 3 other veggies.
That's it.
Now, albeit, I am not the leading authority in high health, but what the hell is wrong with some of you bitches out there!!! I applaud my friends and strangers that have preset goals and wish to try and make lifestyle changes for the better, but some people take things to an obsessive extreme that not only is actually repulsive but unsafe.
Yeah, I know when I look in the mirror, I see a little bit of chub, but most of the time, I'm looking at my attempt at macho flexing. You know what, I know I can lose a little more weight, but I am not one of those people who in reality is 80 lbs and sees themselves as 300lbs.
That's why I own a shirt that says I'm winning in the battle against anorexia.
I know I will never be small. I could lose all the fat and still be big. In fact, the way my frame is set up, if I got all nothing but muscle, I'd look awkward.
Point being, people shouldn't be obsessed with looking how the media,Hollywood and magazines tell you what looks pretty. Do something until it makes you happy, and fuck the rest.
Been working out and been being responsible all week...go ahead and have a slice of cake...and eat it too fuckers!
That's my rant...I'm a foodie...and I will always will be, life just tastes too good to give it up.