Its a long one, grab a snickers bar.
Lets say that the upcoming election were based solely on what personal politics the running candidate had to offer, and not what the public wants to hear, what minority groups want to have happen or what the media can spin off on?
Here is the platform I would run on.
1). A universal health care system. Individual companies would still exist, if one could find a cheaper premium for insurance, but for the average joe, a government subsidised system would be an option. It may be limited in certain aspects, but none the less, for the individual or families that have no health care options, or as such that have too high of a premium to pay, this would be an option. It would also encompass regulating costs for mandatory visits and or prescriptions and limit the costs on optional items of maintaining health care.
2) Abortion- Legal in certain aspects. Rape obviously, or within common sense. Within the first trimester if financial obligations could not be met without proving sustaining a child outside of that. Otherwise, illegal and if the child is unwanted, then adoption would be an option if financial responsibility is unsustainable. No government help is available to sustain it. In other words, if you can make a child, you are obviously capable of knowing what the act of making a child can result in.
3) Citizenship. If you are born here legally, by legal US citizens, then you are entitled to EVERY benefit. By entering into this country illegally and failing to establish residency through proper and legal channels, you are NOT eligible for ANY benefits aside from the basic human rights of sustainable food, shelter and BASIC medical rights. Through proper protocol and channels, if one obtains citizenship, then your children shall be recognized as US citizens and have all attainable rights. The current deportation system will remain intact unless one of the following is met.
1a)if immigrated illegally 3 times, not only will you be temporarily incarcerated, but charged a financial penalty paid be either yourself of the closest of kin or relation at their or your cost, regardless of country of citizenship. After release to your home country, the following incidences will be repeated at a cost of double every time said person is prosecuted.
2a) If said persons are incriminated and convicted in a court and jury of their peers in a violent crime of murder 2, any capital offense, any aggravated rape, exorbitant drug charges (drug trafficking in excess of 1000 kilos per month or any trafficking with conjunction with other said offences) or any sexual child abuse cases, said individual will face a death penalty or mandatory exile/imprisonment for 40 years dependant on is this is a individual of repeat offence or if said person is a first time offender-individual will face the latter first in regards to aggravated rape and lesser and then the former upon a second conviction.
3a) Any individual encountered and under the attempt of being apprehended while entering the United Stated illegally, and causing undue harm and life threatening injuries to local and or federal law enforcement or private citizens will forgo any responsibility onto said parties in their own defence of their livelihood. Ergo- if an illegal immigrant is crossing into the United States without proper documentation and threatens a legal law enforcement official or private citizen that may put said person's life in jeopardy, then said person may implore lethal force to defend themselves.
4)Military services
1a)Current and full benefits will be provided to currently serving military personnel. In addition, a revision and upgrade of benefits will be undergone to said personnel. Veterans will receive better and expansive medical and retirement benefits not only to themselves, but to their immediate families. In basic terminology, if you served the United States military and received an honorable discharge or death during service, you will be entitled to full benefits, increased pensions, or other government assistance.
2a)Current military forces will be withdrawn, within reason, in accordance with the E.U. and NATO, to maintain foreign posts in order to assist in foreign affairs outside of outright US military involvement outside of foreign wars and attacks on US soil or territories unless direct threat to the United States in general, or to warrant such involvement wherein if the United States does not engage in foreign affairs that it may jeopardize the internal security of the country.
For example- If hypothetically, the country of Argos (an imaginary nation) is invaded or threatened by another nation that is not only putting it's own nation's interests at risk by a blatant action that has a direct involvement with the United States, we are therefore obligated to defend such a nation either financially or militarily to prevent the corruption of said nation or to the U.S.
3a)Unjustified research into useless or unjustified U.S. military fund or projects will be eliminated.
Continuity of U.S. nuclear de-arming will be amplified to the point of acquiring enough weapons that would substantially defend our nation from attacks on multiple fronts.
4a)Current equipment will be either upgraded to current or turned to scrap, recycled or sold to outside parties to diminish the surplus of stock.
5a) During 4a, all current military shall be upgraded and brought up to current specifications and training.
5) Education
All legal and financially qualifying citizens shall be provided equal education, whether it be for themselves or their children. Children of legal U.S. citizens shall be qualified for some type, dependant on financial status, all shall be qualified for some type of financial assistance.
1a) Elematary school children of those who qualify for welfare, WIC status, or some other equivalent type shall be fully compensated for the education of their children unless said children do not maintain an average GPA of 3.o .
2a) Students of high school status shall maintain a average GPA of 4.0 or forgo said benefits.
3a) Upon approval, U.S. citizens of legal status born into an governmental assisted environment up until the age of 5 shall receive a $2000 government trust fund into a government and parental approved educational trust fund via a government or private bank, compounded, and tax free and that shall be accessed by said trustee or trusted individual from the ages of 17yrs to 25yrs for the sole purpose of attaining a college education wherein said individual MUST maintain a average GPA for the first 2 years of 3.5 after accessing said funds for college or be responsible for debts and payments accrued from use of funds or in fact forfeit said funds. Funds forfeited will be forfeited into the current federal governmental educational fund and will result in the individual being no longer ineligible for assistance.
6) Foreign Policy
At least 80% of current foreign debts and collections shall be paid off. All foreign assistance, outside of private organizations and companies, outside of basic human necessities will be cut off until current domestic issues are resolved to a full enough outcome wherein the U.S. surplus outweighs the demand.
1a)Outsourcing U.S. based companies and products shall be heavily taxed, thus forcing the U.S. workforce and homeland companies to find internal workforce help. Importing taxes should not be increased if it can be helped. Exporting taxes and fees should be lowered to assist the outsource of U.S produced products. Financial breaks and benefits should be given to those companies that decide to either relocate to the U.S. or to those that decide to cut back on outsourcing or exporting resources.
2a) Embargoes on all outside countries, barring those who pose a viable and tangible threat to U.S. interests should be lifted, and trade and assistance between said nations should commence.
7) Internal welfare
1a) Individual banking shall not be applicable to federal buyouts or assistance if said banking does not conduct itself within practices that govern its own self preservation.
2a) A U.S. first policy should be in order. We should NOT take other foreign issues ahead of our own internal ones unless said external issues supersede or directly effect our own interests.
3a) Our social security administration should not be put in jeopardy. It should be provided for the people of our country, not be a hindrance. A guaranteed monthly subsidised livable stipend will be provided, along with a applicable government approved and assisted, affordable medicare program will be provided.
4a) There will be NO minority, religious, ethnically or social government based groups, assistance, funds, programs, or associations outside of the private sector. The U.S. was based upon the concept that all are created equal, and thus should be followed. No rights based upon solely ethnic, culturally, sexually or gender should be excluded as being an individual exclusion.
Militarily, a female,minority of any race or a homosexual has the right to serve and fight as any other. If a certain race has a holiday, then there should be a holiday for all races.
There should be NO race card. Groups that cater towards playing the race card should be abolished. Major effort should be made to equalize all within social status.
5a) Definition of marriage. As the U.S. was settled upon the religious belief of marriage being the union of a man and a woman, on the federal level, it should be as such with no exceptions. On the state level, each state should be allowed to designate what is their definition of marriage or unions between two or more parties. On the federal level, a union between a man and a man, woman and woman, or other combinations including and beyond one person and another should be accepted, but without governmental assistance or benefits. State levels may provide acceptances and allowances. Upon adoption or acquisition of children outside of said circumstances on the federal level would make the benefits for said children limited, but provided for.
after 5 hours of writing..this is the end of part 1 guys of "if I were president"