There were a few parks that I can remember when I was 5-7. One of them is
Weseley Crescent. A tiny park with a few benches located in the middle of a roundabout near the junction of
Edgewood rd and El
Camino. It is guarded at the front by a pair of sculpted life sized painted lions. As a kid, I thought that even though they could
easily eat me, that they allowed my presence into the park. Once again, they granted me passage. They have an odd gaze to them, awkwardly penetrating, always weary of strangers to their realm. Today was no different, and as if they gave me that, "who are you to ask allowance past us
thi...oh, wait, it's you...fine, go ahead-but I got my eye on you!"
I figured today, to ease into a little self reflection, to travel back to my earliest memories. What better way to do this, but on the w
ay I got around the most as a child, by bike. I transported my beat up bike from AZ back here to it's birthplace, as to have a second companion that can relate to most of my memories with. Forces joined again, time and abuse battered, we rode out of the house as before 15 years prior, down the block, through old Woodland church, down Brewster ave, left down Elwood st to Whipple to Duane to
Edgewood and
Weseley Crescent park.

inaugural ride of the fanny pack cult)
I paid my respects to the guardians and rolled onto El
Camino and
thru the 7-11 corner strip mall. The same odor lingers in this strip mall, a strange nostalgic mix of all
pleasant smells mixed into an odd, yet compelling
potpourri of 7-11 coffee and beef jerky, stale tobacco and freshly made donuts and icing from the next door Donut House. I fully expected to see a wannabe Jay and Silent Bob hanging out there.
I continued up to my first residence, the old El Centro building on Whipple. A historical
original 20's Art Deco work of art, this building was home from birth to age 8. A flood of memories crashed through my reality as I rolled into the driveway. I was once again 6 and learning to ride my Huffy with Dad pushing me from the back. In his building owner's outside parking spot his blue and chrome trimmed El
Camino guarded a small pigeon coop with my adopted pets Charlie and Charlene who were calmly resting on my small shoulders. The passageway at the back of the building wasn't clustered with locked bikes and trashcans now, but my dad's makeshift garden, complete with abundant fruit trees. I'd run up and down the hallways of the 3 stories to the fire escapes on the opposite end from our apartment, that is, when I wasn't playing on the roof, or throwing stuff down the garbage chute, or catching flies in the front lobby, or even
rummaging around in my dad's workshop and accidentally finding
nudie mags.

(insane asylum ladder...crazy shit)
I later on heard a story of my dad and an old
family friend named Jim Nicholas raiding a local insane asylum for a fire ladder part (the accordion ladder) in the middle of the night. They got the 300 lb contraption off and on leaving the facilities, were stopped short by police and firemen. They thought they were busted, but turns out the emergency crew was there for other reasons. It gave them bragging rights to the story.
I rode on, down Birch st, past all my old childhood family doctors and dentists offices, down Arch st past my first and now lost friend Jeremy's house, Michael
LaDesma's old place, down and up underground driveways of
offices that I used to ride my Huffy on. I still got a quick rush from a few of the steep driveways.
Then back up Brewster Ave to Hudson to James to King st to Jefferson ave. Across the way to Red Morton Park, up Roosevelt to
Valota and finally up St Francis and the speedy descent to home.
A quick 4 mile ride that took me 31 years in the making. A great day to do it, 70 degrees and sunny. A small sweat
emanated through my pants and shirt on an uphill part but I honestly didn't care. I was happy. On my return, Jenny was still napping after our 2 mile walk earlier on in the day. I got dinner ready and cooked outside on the grill. Chinese 5 spice chicken, corn on the cob, homemade coleslaw, grilled pineapple and cheese stuffed bacon wrapped green
Fat and happy, I settled down into a easy night of rest.