Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Karma continued

Sunday, August 24, 2008
My lucky streak...the wrong way

Apparently my karma may need laundering due to the wonderful streak of bad luck I've had the past 4 days.
Without telling me, the gas company decided to dig up my front yard along with two of my adjacent neighboors yards to assess a gas pipeline or a leak or something...whatever it was, they didn't tell us, they just came in and dug.
In the process, they severed my cable and internet lines. So now I'm sponging airwave internet waves. At least I half a half competent receiver to access it on a minimal level.
The other night I got back from work, which, in the past few nights we've had 3 fights..fun..I came back home and decided to check my email and pay some bills before I went to bed. On checking my credit card statement, I saw that someone had jacked my number and started charging things from a website on my card. The service centers were not open 24/7 for charge disputes, so I had to wait til morning to deal with it. Got up after a few hours sleep, spent an hour on the phone trying to deal with it, and ended up getting the typical pas around rigamaroll that ended in a new card number and card issued, but the charges are still not off my original account. Talking with them today, I need to call Monday to the disputes department and get them removed. Obviously nobody co-operates at the bank because nobody knows whats going on and I have recommendations varying from not paying the bill, waiting for reimbursements, dealing with the company directly, paying my bill minus the charges or calling tomorrow. WOW.
After dealing with that the other day, I took my truck to the shop to get road ready for my trip to Cali next week and took it up the ass for $600 for a front brake job and needed maintenance.
With all the fights Friday night at work, it was amature night, and at the end of it all, we barely walked with over a hundred bucks. Considering I made fifty the next morning when I opened, that verified that the night sucked.
At least my foot is better and I got plenty of sleep last night. I ordered a body cleanse package from a health store the other day and am starting that off on a good note as my immediate energy is already up. Plus, with the cable off, I am forced to do other things like read, write, clean, do chores, so its not all bad.
I just can't wait to get out of here next weekend and have a week off to relax in cool weather with friends and family.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Carpe diem
Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace (See "Source" section below).
It is popularly translated as "seize the day". The general definition of carpe is "pick, pluck, pluck off, gather" as in plucking or picking a rose or apple, although Horace uses the word in the sense of "enjoy, make use of, seize."
seize the day
seize the day
seize the day
seize the day
bless you all......
Friday, August 15, 2008
Static Flow pt 1 of 2

Static flow pt 2 of 2

It was that element of suspension that I was becoming aware of as I was staring at that plane hanging stoically from the ceiling. That is one boring plane, I told myself. Day in and day out, it just hangs there. I wanted, in that very moment, for it to snap off the lines and plummet to the carpet below. Just for the sake of change and movement.
That's when I started to compare my routing existence to that plane. Daily, the routines are the same. Minutes whisk away into hours, hours into days, days into months. Next thing I know, my years are flying by and I've been sitting static, comfortable with my surroundings and numb to the world. Usually that happens when you experience the flow, but I haven't been in that state for years. That's what's disturbing.
As kids, we are not too wise in the rational aspects of life. We try things out, and if they are pleasurable, we do it again. If they cause trauma, chances are, we know its bad so we don't do it again. As we have gotten older(though sometimes not really wiser), our rationality prohibits us from just going and doing something. We talk ourselves out of things because gas costs too much, we may get into trouble, we may get hurt, something is too far, too dirty or whatever.
My point being, is that we don't jump anymore. Experiencing something different takes that leap, or that jump from ourselves to do that new experience. Comfort and rationality now is the bain of adulthood. Next thing you know, you're near elderly, haven't done your share of jumping and are to the point of not being able to do anything about it.
I've dished out a lot of introspective talk about taking that next leap but haven't done a thing about it. Is it getting over fear? What made that first recreational skydiver leap out of a perfectly good airplane? Or the bungee jumper to step off the ledge? Ask most bungee jumpers or people with falling phobias what scares them the most about it and they will say that its not the fall that scares them, but the landing that puts the fear in them.
That fear of landing, the crashing uncontrollably to your demise is the premise to trying new things. It's not the journey, or the falling into something new, but if you try something new and fail by landing on your face is the downside. The reward however should supersede the potential failure. The journey of attempting something new gives you that ravenous opening up the Christmas presents under the tree feeling of giddiness coupled with the success of achieving your goal while you sit amidst chewed up wrapping paper in awe with your new toys.
There's a Maori saying that to experience a spiritual journey or heightened enlightenment, God has to know that there's blood on the line. Its a roundabout way of saying that the reward is equal to the risk. Live a static life, and you're not going to have much excitement or very much to talk about. Find you're flow in life in experiencing what you can to the fullest and that flow state should be endless.
All it takes is that first jump. Think of doing the hardest thing you could do, then go do something doubly hard. After that, everything else you used to do is cake. Probably because its been on my mind, but I had a dream of jumping out of a plane last night.
Its time to jump. I may need a shove, but I need to jump.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Still too hot

My most addictive habit

Sunday, August 10, 2008
busted foot?

Ol' W aint that bad....
Thursday, August 07, 2008
38 special- a short story

My hands are almost raw, yet I still think that my shirt and hands still taste of crimson after scrubbing them for so long. I never knew that this stain was so hard to get out! Persistently egged on my that cursed ringing in my ears! Apparently if you own a Honda, that sickly horn comes along with it and exists to endlessly torment other's souls with that sound of a diseased squeak toy. It wouldn't let up! I tried to drown it out, but the radio just wasn't doing its job. That mutated squeal came through the closed windows and permeated through the radio at full volume. Then came the screams. The cursing of my dear mother. Last I checked I wasn't a son of a dirty whore, but apparently today I was.
It was one of my favorite shirts too. The white one with the pseudo tribal graphic that I got on vacation last year. It didn't make me look fat, as white shirts usually do, but instead it hung loosely in the right places and clung snugly to emphasise the better areas. Now I think its ruined. Should I burn it? Just tossing it may come back to haunt me. Yes, I should burn it. Besides, if I scrub any harder, I'll just start staining it in my own blood.
To think it started off as such a normal happy day. I slept in, got up, had a big bowl of Happy O's while I watched whatever tragic news occurred while I slept. The usual overnite calamities; a house fire on the east side, a shooting resulting in one death in a strip mall parking lot and one suicide in an affluent north side housing community. Apparently spending all of mommy and daddy's cash to live the rock and roll lifestyle couldn't cancel out poor Chip's lack of purpose in life so he checked out with 10 times the normal dose of depressants. The newscaster said there was a suicide note, probably along the lines of " Goodbye cruel world, I forgive you daddy for molesting me when I was 6...yadda yadda yadda".
My cell phone is ringing again. it's been going off for the past 3 hours straight. No doubt it's work for me not showing up today. Well I'm sure that cock of a manager at Freddy's can find another stockworker to shelve and price point cans of corn for him. Todd...that putz of a manager. I'm sorry, but anyone named Todd has got a deathwish. Every Todd I knew has been a giant bag of douche. I bet its on his birth certificate.
First Name: Todd.
Middle Name: Bag O'.
Surname: Douche.
To think I actually was motivated enough to come to work early. I had my reasons. I was even going to bring my friend to work today, and Mr Todd was going to hear exactly what my friend was going to tell him. Just my luck we never got to have our little "talk". It was all that idiot's fault in that Honda!
I know for a fact that my turn signal was on to go into his lane! I gave him plenty of room, but I guess I cut too close inside his little bubble. That damn horn! I ignored it for about a quarter of a mile before I was stuck in front of him at a light. He was so persistent! There wasn't any more short beep beeps. It was as if he took vengeance by laying on that horn for a minute straight.
"I am not a son of a whore!" I screamed.
I just stared ahead, trying as hard as I can to tune it out. It was relentless! Like a tiny weevil bored in my ear carrying a tiny chalkboard to run nails all over it in my head. Then it just stopped. It was peaceful again, yet tense. It reminded me of growing up during hurricane season in Galveston. One would blow in for a few days, but for a hour or so when you ride in the eye, the chaos just stops. Yet you know more crap is coming your way. You just know it.
The hurricane came back. I got startled back into reality by a hammering on my driver's window. A plethora of profanities erupted out of the man's sweaty, greasy inbred mouth that would make a pirate blush. My adrenalin was going into my veins at an explosive rate. I think one of the last lucid memories I have is of rolling down the window and seeing his doughboy hands reach through and grab my shirt.
I vaguely remember the sound of my shirt collar start to rip a bit. I guess my friend had enough and had to do something. I saw a flash of white light. I guess that's where I blacked out. Next thing I knew, I'm here hovered over the bathroom sink, scrubbing my shirt and hands raw.
I really need to burn it. Maybe in doing so it will get that sulfuric metallic saltpeter smell out of my nostrils. I have to get this done. Phone's ringing again.
There's a knock at the door now too. I stick my head out the bathroom door and look out the window down the hall to see the back end of a black sedan parked out front. As long as its not a Honda I don't think my friend will cause any more problems. I'll have to burn the shirt after I get the door.
Desperate Housewives vs. The Real World

Flakes, not the kind you eat.