Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Cranberry bread and pussy soup

Monday, November 27, 2006
The killing fields

I stammer awake while its still dark outside. Jenny gives me a look as she lies on the carpet still. It's a look of "what the fuck are you doing up???" If she only knew. She's anxious enough that there is camping gear laid out in the living room, hinting of me going somewhere. Anyways, I get dressed and motivated, Chris arrives, and we are off. Red bull and half of Chris's QT taquito for breakfast.
It's only an hour drive to Rye, but somehow, the drive seems longer. Usually we're making this drive in the pre-dawn hours on a camping trip, so I suppose daylight makes time slower.
Our choices are to hit either Rye creek or the Verde river flats near Gisela. We opt for Gisela first. A Podunk shithole of a mining town consisting of ranch properties, single and double wides, and about 40 homes spread out over the 2 square miles that make up this "town". We head in and out of town within about 4 blocks, hit the Verde river, turn right and park up on the plateau. Bad signs we shouldn't be here-get out, find that my camelback exploded all over my backpack and gear, my zipper breaks on my hunting vest, its freggin cold, and my knee just about goes out...and we haven't even left the truck yet. Within 20 minutes of humping around, we find nothing. Dee dee mao! Time to leave this place.
We split and head for greener pastures over at Rye Creek. A 10 minute drive up the road from Gisela, we are immediately greeted by flocks of quail crossing the road in front of us and a large, rare, "Labrador" sized coyote bounding along the hillside as we head towards our start point.
Our enthusiasm revived, we park at one spot, scout around for about 15 minutes, get back and head down to some fenced ranch property down in a nearby valley.
There are birds here, but the pickings are slim. We are arriving after a long 4 day holiday weekend and the killing fields are littered with spent shotshell, tufts of feathers and the occasional beer can. Looks like Joe Bob and his family got out of the trailer this weekend for a holiday turkey shoot.
No matter, we hike around for an hour or so, exploring various hillsides, ravines, grass fields, creeks and treelines for our prey. We see a handful. They are fatties. But they are flying fast and high today and are spooked easily from a distance. I think Chris got off 2 shots and I got off one the whole day, all misses. Overall though, it was good to get out and explore in some beautiful country again before it gets too chilly to head out. And I did end up getting a souvenir that I'd been longing for a while. Tucked in up a ravine switchback, at the end of a bone laden carcass trail, I finally found a skull. Took him home (officially named him Scully McGee. He'll join Dead Tony at the house.) along with another lucky old horseshoe, a handful of pictures and a good time...and a well deserved, early evening power nap before work.

Friday, November 24, 2006
Let's play a game called "how many dumps in a day"

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thankful turkey day

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
A 47 lb cock and a parole hearing

Monday, November 20, 2006
Captain Unmotivated

Take a hike Jack!

Friday, November 17, 2006
Communism, Jesus and Pabst Blue Ribbon

Monday, November 13, 2006
"caulk" blok

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Home Improvement

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Urgent Change

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Fork U!

Friday, November 03, 2006
November Update

oops!! Party correction!
I looked at the calendar wrong. Change your plans accordingly...sorry!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Hawaiian Fusion

A theme and a menu plan has been formulated for this year's holiday social in December. It will be a fusion between the typical semi-formal party atmosphere and standard menu with a distinctly Hawaiian flare. The dress will be somewhat different and the menu slightly altered. What a better thing to do in the cold December blues that to be somewhat tropically infused eh? Start shopping for nice Hawaiian shirts and dresses. I think Arizona Mills still has a Hilo Hatties store- even though you could find it cheaper online.
Back to the real world pt 2 -welcome to middle aged

Back to the real world pt 1

Well, I'm back from 5 days of not giving a damn about nothing here in the real world. Yes, a half drunken, noshing of snacks, napping in the daytime sunshine, soothing creek listening world got left up there upon my return to civilization.
I ended up heading up there after working last Wednesday night, packing up the truck, slamming 2 rockstars and a coffee and hitching my ex Crystal a ride up there early Thursday morning. We get up there and set up camp. It was nice that day, as was all the days up there. 72 degrees, a faint breeze on occasion, with mostly cloudless skies.
Our camp was instantly named "camp Danger" upon arrival. Why? There was no danger there. Apparently with there sites up here, people tend to try and "reserve" public land for their own camping/hunting needs. Per example- Camp Lazlo down the road. There folks have had the same 5 motor home trailers parked there for like the past month or so at a large open shaded area. Then they cruise up on the weekends for their own uses with their trucks/atv's, etc... They should learn to share. Anyways, when we arrived on this site, someone had put a short, single string of red "danger" tape across a few trees in attempt to scare off people from potentially taking their camping spot. Well, my trusty knife quickly negotiated the problem and we were in. Idiots...
After setting up camp, we cracked a few drinks, cooked up a few sausages and got a quick fire going as sunset arrived. We ended up crashing early that night around 930- well hell, i never did go to bed the night before.
Papi rolls up in the early morning hours and wakes up our snoozing asses with an affectionate, "wake up bitches!" We stumble out of the tent and I greet Chris with a beer can cheers. We shoot the breeze as Papi assesses my choice for a campsite over then next few beers. We set his stuff up, grill up a few more brauts for lunch and then settle in for the night of chatting, joking and jack n cokes.
Saturday rolls in after a good night's sleep and we expect the rest of the crew to roll in. Ryan arrives first. He's his typical quiet IT guy self. I know his humor well enough that if I can crack a joke about hi-tech stuff or online gaming that I can get a good chuckle out of him, plus a guiness or 4 loosens him up too. While they hang, Crystal and I make a run down to Payson for some supplies. Driving into town I see that traffic is actually a little heavy for this small town, bringing into the realization that urban sprawl has even progressed up to these little small towns. We are able to check our phones here and find out that 'Drea and Laura are in town at the Wal-Mart. We get gas and a quick Dairy Queen treat before heading to Wal-Mart ourselves to stock up (and to get a air mattress to eliminate our bruised hips from sleeping on the ground). Drea and Laura say that they wouldn't wait for us and will head up ahead of us. After 40 minutes shopping, we leave and strangely, run into the girls on the road outside of Wally world. Laura looks freggin pissed the hell off. Apparently there was a navigation mishap and they took the wrong turn. We pull in front and take them up the road and into camp. The girls are happy to be here and out of the truck finally.
We settle them in and then they whip out some birthday presents! Woo Hoo! I gets a cool Tshirt and some really cool games! Of course we had to bust the games ou for a quick couple of rounds in the afternoon. While we play, a surprise visitor arrives. Our bud Meyers actually made it out of work for a day and a half. Straight out of work and no time to pack, he threw his tent and a bag in the cab and headed up. It was officially on now. After everyone got settled in for the night, we all cooked up some fajitas and then busted out the cards for a kings tournament. Drunken debauchery ensued, as well as the girls dominating over the boys and totally humiliating and razing us. Ryan got stoopid drunk, pretty much to the stumbling point wherein we almost ha to cut him off. (which is nearly impossible camping in the middle of nowhere) Everyone got drunked out, and started to pass out so we called it a night.
Sunday morning arrived, got the morning started by getting my drink on as I should have the night before. Managed to get the Cardinals game on the radio and it was "Matt Leinart" time. Yes, its a boozing game. Will explain at another time. The boys went out on their own and Papi drove Crystal and Drea to town for stuff. That left Laura and I to hold up camp. Or should I say Laura only as I went and passed the hell out in the tent after throwing my back out earlier and drinking the pain away. Sunday was a subdued day and night. Half of us were recovering from the night before. Ryan and Greg left that night to go to work Monday. Chill night around the fire. Nobody was really talking about anything, and we spend most of that night either playing toss with Jenny or staring at the fire deep in our own thoughts. Before crashing out and gathering our things Monday afternoon to head back to civilization, a warm cleansing shower and a comfy bed and my last night as a 20 something yr old.