Phoenix Time

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Xmass party date

Hey, y'all! A tentative date has been set for my 8th annual Holiday party this year. It will most likely be set for Friday, December 2nd, at around 6 or 7 for dinner and anytime later till whenever for drinking and shennanigans.

You can expect the usualy holiday spread for dinner, as well as some new additions to the menu to surface.

I'll turn out actual physical invitaions to people about a month before the event. Its always a fun time, I hope to see you all there.

Gotta get out of here.

One week, one final week folks before vacation time. I'm itching, and itchin bad to get the hell out of dodge. Not that work is stressing me out, or I feel overworked or anything, its just the need to get out. Its kinda like christmas in the way that once a year this trip comes up and is well planned, stocked and anticipated. I'll start really getting buggy about Monday or Tuesday before I leave laaaaate Thursday night, early Friday morning.
So far, we actually have a good amount of people going up there!
Id give an estimate of about 10 confirmed, with the possibility of 5-10 more. One big, huge freggin party I tells ya.
The more times we go on this trip, the more creature comforts we are inventing and bringing there...the pinnacle will be the time we own and bring up a trailer with a shower and working shitter.
For the meantime, we have a new portable crapper, complete with privacy and all the TP and baby wipes you need.
I think though, that above and beyond the partying with good friends, getting out of the city and away from work, what is going to be best on this trip should be finding a little time for myself.
I am needing to do some thinking about some things, maybe do some sorting out and put some things in perspective. For putting an image in your head, this campsite is on the Mogillion Rim...literally. Chris found this campsite and has been coming here for 15 years. Pitch your tent and 30 ft to one side of you is the edge of the rim, with a nice 2000 ft drop. There is a spot about 200 yrds north of our site, among some rocky ledges with a large flat rock jutting out, big enough to fit quite a few people on it. I like to go there an sit for a while and do nothing but think. It humbles you very well to realize how insignificant you are to the bigger picture. You are essentially, a speck, a fly on the wall, a freggin microbe. It tends to make you think that with all the problems that you may have out there, there are much bigger concerns out there.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Back on the horse Kid.

There's been a lot of talking among my best friends, ex's, coworkers, family friends, and even family on the subject of dating lately.What they would like, what they have had, the good and the bad. So I thought I'd toss in my two cents. Am I ready to get back on the horse here? Most definitely. What do I expect? Like our lonely cowboy, we're gonna get bucked off on occasion on the ride, and yes, it does hurt. We just learn how to go about it better the next time. Until we finally find that someone that we can feel comfortable riding into the sunset with.
So what do I WANT? Or Who can I live with? I'm not going to resort to just "settling" with someone because I don't think there is any hope for me. I see what ends up to people like that, they are miserable and try to live vicariously through others, which makes them even more unhappy.
I've always wanted someone that is honest and trusting, and fun to be around. But there is more additions to those now.
I need someone to see me for what and who I am, and to like and love me for it. Every bit of me. And I need to feel the same for the other person. Of course there are going to be little things about the person that are bothersome, but if they are only little things, then well, get over it. Is it really worth it to worry about if say a person wears socks with sandals if they go to take the trash outside? No, last I checked, my pop does that frequently, and I think he's a pretty cool and unique dude.That kind of nit-picking will only cause a very quick demise to a couple.
There are going to be differences! Politics, favorite colors, spicy or mild food, ice skating or hockey...those things tend to complete the other person, and most of the time someone will "come around" and not necessarily like the other's things, but at least not be closed minded to them. People shouldn't make others feel bad about the things that they like to do, well...unless its illegal or highly detrimental or hazardous to the person or others.
The need for personal space. I need personal space dag gummit! The surefire way for me to be bored with someone is to not necessarily to always be next to someone( I can always be doing something else while they are doing something), but the constant need to know whats up on a daily basis. Is it really needed to know that I went and got milk at the store? I need time away, with my friends, family, and alone time. It makes me miss someone fast when I don't see or talk to them, AND I actually may have something important to talk about- let alone have something to talk about in general- if I'm out of a girl's loop for 2 days. I'll go stir crazy, get in a pissy mood and then I'm forced to tell them that I need some personal space for a day..and you know where that goes.."you don't like spending time with me anymore!"
I'm not wanting the unattainable. I don't want a supermodel with a flawless store bought body, who is either independently wealthy or is daddy's girl. I don't give a damn if you drive a BMW, need to wear the newest fashionable line of false fake fur or have a pompous attitude.Does it make you better than me? If you think so, heres a news flash..go FUCK yourself. I want someone that is real on the inside, that feels, hurts, loves, gets jealous and has experience in eating top ramen in the past, but knows the love of a top cut steak. A worldly girl that can feel comfortable in all the extremes.
Gotta get your freak on. As Ludacris coined " I need a lady in the street, but a freak in da bed." You all who know me knew this was coming up. I need that high sex drive. Ideally it should be getting it on daily. Keeps me happy, de-stressed, and wanting more. More-over, last I checked, I am pretty good at what I do, so there hasn't been any complaints. Always reciprocating and going last. The standard vanilla sex wont fly. Oral is a must, and the kinkier stuff can come later. It'll get by for the first month, but man, it gets boring. It's gotta migrate and change up a lot, on da floor, in the shower, in da pool, on the kitchen counter, in da truck, on a road trip at a roadside rest stop get the picture.
NOW, do I expect to find this mystical and elusive creature right away? Oh hell no. These are part of my ideals, and I don't expect to find someone that encompasses all this and more. If that happens, I guarantee you I'd marry her in less than a year. And speaking of a year, I once had this goal to be married by 30 and kids by 35. I think I set that goal when I was oh...23, and now I'm a year and a month from that goal, I can toss it out and pretty much have to revise that plan. Easy enough, it wasn't written in blood n stone.
She'll end up showing up when I least expect it and have a 50/50 chance of not being the one for me again, but I'll still embrace her as a welcome life experience as I'll still learn from it while I wait for the right one.

Friday, September 23, 2005

whats going on?

As some of you already know, for almost 2 weeks now I've been feeling a little sub-par. But for those who don't, I've been feeling very short of breath and have had some minor pain in my chest as well as some minor constricting. Not knowing what the hell has been going on, I went to the doc yesterday for an exam on top of the usual stuff. He drew some blood and poked n prodded around for a little with no real difinitive diagnosis. He is going to schedule some pulminary testing to be done at Banner Desert Samaritan hospital sometime within the next week as well as a chest X-ray to see if he can diagnose anything and or give some kind of treatment. His initial hunch is that of some sort of adult onset allergic athsma reaction and gave me some allergy medicine samples to see if they work, but no progress yet.
I have no idea what the hell is going on, all I know is that whatever it is, its really annoying and at times very uncomfortable. But the stress of not knowing is much more bothersome. If I have asthma, let me know, if its some kind of cancer, let me know...I just want some kind of acknowledgement to what this is so I can concentrate on either treating it or dealing with it.
Just thought I'd keep you updated on what is going on. So if i appear unresponsive or distressed or depressed, now you know whats going on in addition to daily stresses. In that case, I appologize for me being a poopyhead, hopefully I can get back to being what i normally am...a poopyhead who isn't sick. Look back frequently to check up on the latest news.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The best invention ever!

NOW...first off, I'm doing this because I am a guy after all, and second it is absolutely true. The best damn thing-or things-invented was and is titties. I know, I know...all you girls think its the "power of the poonany" that woos us, but what sucks us in more than that? Titties. When we first meet a girl, its usually "Hi how are you" to your face and then straight down to your titties or vice versa, hopefully not getting caught that bad. It aint staring at your beaver or your ass that puts us in a spell, its those lovely funbags.
And for the mostpart (even though I've seen some nasty titties) we like ALL titties, big, small, huge nips, barely there nips, perky or Ron White once said, "Once you see one tit, you wanna see all of 'em"
I'm sick and tired of hearing girls with supposed "inadequate" breasts thinking that they have no game. You have all the power in the world...unfortunately. I don't care if you have just an A cup. That low cut half shirt with the plunge V cut neckline that you got at Hot Topic still gets us steamin. We'll do almost anything for the tittie because in our walnut sized brain, we think its a precursor to getting what we ultimately want...the poonany. Accept it guys, just take the titties for the grand things they are and not expect anything further (unless she's your girlfriend, drunk or a dirty tart). Think about it anyways...when is the next time you will get to see or play with any titties? Gawd they're awesome. I can't tell how many times I've been caught at work trading beads for titties with the "deer in the headlights" syndrome. A guy could be in a fight, watching a pivotal moment in the super bowl, or at a funeral...but hey look, TITTIES! Now what was I doing?
I say boo to the tittie snobs out there! There are those out there who want only a certain size or style of tittie. Boo to you, you picky bastards! It aint lowering your standards at all by seeing any tittie, it should be just having access TO THE TITTIE.
I think that the worst kind of torture would be for a girl with a nice rack to do to a guy would be to wear a baggy sweater or to not allow any playing with the tits. Talk about a buzzkill. Trust me, I know from personal experience. At least the sweater can come off, revealing the fun underneath..."whoa, I had no idea you had a D cup under that..what a lovely tea party..."
That said, for all you girls out there...thank you! We all love your Tatas! Use them as you will, just don't turn into a superbitch by overusing their power and not throwing us a bone once in a while. VIVA LA TITTIE!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Stoopid people...volume 1

I'm starting to post a recurring topic now entitled Stoopid People. Welcome to the first installment. For annonymity we'll call this person Phil. Phil is one of those guys we call "that guy" . You know that guy...the guy who is in a "band" that is just about to secure a record deal that could land him a gig at OZ Fest. He's also the guy who is a kareoke junkie. He shows up at a kareoke bar (mine of course) and brings his friends/girlfriend/coworkers/strangers to see him perform covers of other famous songs that he thinks he sounds good at. He shows up every week, sometimes 2-3 times a week, to sing the same damn songs, to usually the same bored and "I don't want to be hanging with him anymore" people. Throw in the fact that his head is sooooo inflated because he IS gods gift to the music world, that he always tells the bartender, in front of all his "hook me up fat man...I'll take care of you. " Of course he never does.
And so are officially that are not as cool as you a matter of fact you are not even as cool as the other side of the pillow. Even if you do make it big, you will definately forget about all the people you were trying to impress when you were small to move on to other people who you think are "worthy" of your coolness.
Phil is a breed of stoopid people that is one of the more annoying of stoopid people. Sorry Phil, you're not cool, you're just "that guy".

Thursday, September 15, 2005

who wants some freedom fries??

Now, I have to bag on the French once again. So...we save their asses from losing their country twice in the last century, and give them a royal asskicking back up into Canada during the expansion and exploration of our own land in the 1700's. So, now instead of the frenchies being a little bit respectful and thankful they have a country, they continue on with their little Lance bagging. ACCEPT IT FROGS!!!! HE OWNS YOUR PRECIOUS TOUR! The man beat out cancer to win the damn thing 7 times. You should build a freggin statue of him and stick him on top of the Eiffel tower! But no, butthurt as your country is about a "pompous arrogant American" winning your homecounrty's race, you can't let it go can you? You got what you wanted..He retired...but it wasn't good enough eh?? Had to try and smear his name with allegations of drug use...

"CHICAGO (AP) - The nasty tug of war between the bosses of the International Cycling Union and World Anti-Doping Agency over who leaked documents to a French newspaper accusing Lance Armstrong of doping claimed its first casualty on Thursday: Any chance of a comeback by the seven-time Tour de France champion."

The man said he is done...let it go. Ever think that after all of the chemicals that were pumped through is system to kill some cancer may have an effect? Moreover, I guarantee you that they didn't just let him stay off the drugs once his cancer went into remission. Basically the drugs that were in his system during treatment were ones to regulate red blood cells and to make oxygen more readily available in his body....DURING THE TREATMENT! He tested negative on all tests during the races.

Unfortunately what it boils down to is that Lance really is an inspirational hero. The organization he's started, the charities he's done, and what he stands for. I don't think for one second (outside of the normal human competitive drive) that lance was in these races for just glory and bragging rights. He was the best at the sport and just did what he knows win at it...and the French hate him for this. Sportsmen from other countries are continually beating the pants off Americans in other sports...but do you us whining about it? No. Shit we've even idolized that little Japanese kid who can stuff 57 hot dogs in his yeah, eat up France's jealousy America...with a side of supersized Freedom Fries!

I'm not down with anal rape

I figured that the only place being butt raped would be reasonably expected if not accepted would be in jail. Well I guess I was wrong today...for today I brought my truck into the shop for an oil change and to check out a "check engine" light that popped on yesterday. The "check engine" light is basicly a green light for the auto shops to stick it up your ass...well your wallet, that is..after they take out all your money first. My ass raping was a "gas nozzle tube leak" that caused fumes from the gas tank to escape, hence warding the "check engine" light to go on. Anyone wanna take a stab at how much a gas nozzle tube costs? $, $250...i should be so lucky...a part that is only made for Ford trucks now....try $350. For a part that is no longer than my forearm...Fuck, I could afford 20 thai hookers and unlimited drinks for a week for that much. Tack on $150 for labor( cuz they needed to remove the truck bed to get to my precious gas nozzle tube) , an $85 check engine light diagnostic fee, $ 15 oil change and replacement wiper blades...and I'm dropping a cool $700.

So yeah, my butt hurts...its downright violated. And I didn't even get a courtesy reacharound.. I swear, the money that I make in one night of solid bartending pales in comparison to the owner of a auto shop. I'm definately in the wrong biz.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Alright peeps...I've gone and done it. I've assimilated more into the web lifestyle by haveing my own blog site. Funny, until this day I had no clue as to what "blog" actually means. Whether or not I'll actually use it...well, I guess I'll see. I guess its akin to a online diary or journal, only that the entire universe becomes that annoying little cousin who sticks her nose into your stuff. To my own doing though! Now the only problem is where to begin. Well first off, here's yours truly<----...minus the dippity do hairdo now of course.
I'm busy now preplanning for the big October camping trip that I do twice every year. My main man Chris and I try to recruit all the friends (hopefully more chicks than dudes) we can to head up to northern Arizona for 3-5 days of drunken debauchery and shenanegins. Last trip was highlighted by marching 1 mile in complete drunken darkness up a dirt road to a boy scout camp to pull a commando raid at 3 am. The casualty toll buddy Chris faceplanting in a drainage ditch, and myself tripping into a blackberry bush..(ever put tape on a cats paws??that was me). On the plus side, I raided the camp's outhouse and five finger discounted a roll of charmin...unfortunately single ply. In the end we all lost our beer buzz too.
This year's trip stands to be a repeat of Camp "Blaze" of 2004. We may have the girls outnumbering the guys again, which is fine by all of us. Oct. 7-10th if anyone is interested.
I'm needing the release right now, seriously...SERIOUSLY! Nothing like breathing cool clean air, sitting around a fire, taking a hike, goin 4 wheelin, and not having a care in the world except " I have another beer, a jack and coke..or do I take a nap?" I think I'll elect to do all no particular order.