Phoenix Time

Monday, December 03, 2012

2012 review

This past year was one to be slated of unpredicted progress. In the Chinese calendar, it is my year, the year of the dragon. Symbolic of stability,strength and power. if you can believe a lot of that stuff. But for the most part, its not about having it be your "year", but gaining the inner strength and knowledge to make any year, or month or day to be what you make of it. some kind of progress needed to be made this year, in terms of anything or everything, or at the very least, set the groundwork for the next big step. Change needed to happen.At the same time however, i need to remind myself to not take life too seriously and to make time to enjoy things,places and the people that surround me that are worthwhile. To quote Ferris Beuller , "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it."
2012 year in review-
Finances 7.0 - no change  I didn't really spend any more than years before, but I also didn't really save any either. The markets are in a state of flux, and skiddish at best. I've been trying to recover stock IPO's from last year and earlier this year as well as pulling what investments I have once they break even. There is no profit in the market this year, even with it being a election year. Finances are stagnant in general.
Work 2.5- down 2.5 I need out of this job. Just the sheer apathy,poor work ethics and drama in between co-workers is enough alone to leave, but its the lack of structure and managerial regulation that propagates the circus even more. Staff isn't regulated, duties are shirked or forgotten completely, punishment for inappropriate actions or behavior is absolutely non-existent. Somehow the business still makes money, but it boggles my mind to think of how much smoother,friendly and profitable the place would be with even a normal degree of workplace structure. I have been pushing hard to find new employment no only in this field, but to make other options for a career push in terms of craft beer being my passion, as well as keeping the option of a real estate venture open while the markets are still very low. I contemplate quitting work on a near daily basis, but I convince myself  not to just due to the fact that my bills are being paid with relative ease. I still need out however. This juice is starting to not be worth the squeeze.
Social Life 7.0  no change  i no longer associate with most of my friends that I considered to be my best friends here outside of Doug. I have written off and de-friended Chris and Jillian. Just for mainly the fact that not only myself, but others have made the efforts to try and spend time, to try and remain in contact and to try and keep a friendship going, but there has been no reciprocation from the other side.I do not want to waste any more of my time in people who don't make efforts to keep friendships healthy, let alone going. it wastes people's time and creates unnecessary stress and eventual disdain and spite. There are plenty of good people out there that I know that I consider true friends that i would rather spend time with, with good character,moralities and mindsets, and i am thankful that they are around. I have been meeting a lot of new connections thru my lady, some were just acquaintances of mine that became closer friends thru her, and some are all new all together. Either way, they are all good people and I am honored to know them, and create new bonds and spend new adventures along the way.
Love life 8.5- up 3.5  As you know my history about divulging details of my intimate love life on this site, i keep it under wraps as it's really not your business. I am dating someone new. Shannon and I have been together for about 10 months now. She is a great person with a great character, family , good morality and loves to live life to the fullest extent possible. I have a great love of her and I know that it is the same on her end ( even though I can be a pain 90% of the time). She is a great motivator and the most positive force I have ever encountered in my life (sorry dad and coach Mecchi, ousted..). She instills the will in me to accomplish goals in life or to get the ball rolling when needed. I am very grateful to have her with me.
Spirituality 5  no change   Nothing has changes from last year. i didn't find Jesus, I haven't started going to church regularly. I also haven't bursted into flames when I do walk into a church yet, so that's always a sign that I have a chance if the said higher power does exist. I have been mixed back and forth with the topic of fate and its counterpart of creating your own destiny. It may be a mixture of both where one starts and ties in the other or vice versa. Needless to say, i haven't seen any divine intervention going on. Oh, well the world is supposed to end on Dec 21, so maybe we will see if anything happens then. Besides, as I said last year, my old man likes to tell me that you don't need to be in a church to have faith or even chat with the man upstairs.
Family 7- no change
Everyone was healthy this year and we are all living along just fine. No major health issues. My cousin Sonia had a child. My cousin Chris is engaged (to yet another Shannon). kids are getting older and wiser. Richie is doing well in airborne training. The family is well, and that's always a good sign for things to come!
Health 8-up 1.5 I am up on this year due to a major weight loss. I have been able to drop and keep 30+ lbs off through a healthy diet and moderate fitness. I don't exercise as much as I should, but I have tried to tools to keep things going. I was able to accomplish 2 running events this year in the Pat Tillman run and the Mud run. I was able to finish both in a reasonable time, considering I am not, nor will ever be a runner.I would like to continue to drop a little more weight and get down to a stable 220, which I was in high school. I am very close, but its all about breaking that plateau people hit when trying to achieve fitness. That final 10 is a pain. I know that my clothes fit better, or are in fact too big to wear. My joint problems on my knees are pretty much gone due to a lighter load. I'm faster, feel better and look healthier.
I know I probably drink too much. I like to enjoy a social setting and have a good time with friends. I know I can't party on forever and its not good for me in the long term to continue on with these kinds of habits.Recovery from a fun night isn't as easy as it was 10 years ago, and it generally doesn't fit in with a weight loss program. Although i will not be giving it up completely in my life, I should strongly consider how much of an impact having a couple of cocktails influences my well being.
However, i have found a way to turn a potential negative into a positive. I have been actively pursuing a life passion in the art of homebrewing. i have fallen in love with the art of small craft beers. The intricacies of making the product is finally a tie in with a art career and reality that I had not previously considered. Its a creation, for all to enjoy, not just to let it sit on a wall and gain accredation long after you're dead. A constantly evolving and changing artform. I have been spending the past year making brew after brew at home. Some turned out good,some turned out bad,some turned out amazing.My eventual goal is to pursue a career in the currently booming field, in any aspect of it whether it be making it or selling it. I have a great start on knowledge of the artform and the intricacies of it that will bolster my resolve into finalizing a future.
Total 6.5- up 1.0 from 2011
I have had a big hit with my job situation being poor, but with my health and love life balancing out the mix, i feel that this year has been better than last. pieces are starting to fall into place. Its about starting to trim off the metaphorical fat and cancers that put areas of my life down. I am thankful I have positive people to be around. I have gone and seen new places, tried new things and met new people. That is the true spice of life. It puts a lot of the bullshit into perspective when you think of how lucky you are for the things that you have had happen in your life that let you enjoy it, whether it be big or small. All the rest of the potential bad stuff all passes by anyway. Don't waste your time with bullshit, it's not worth it. Whether it be work related,personal,financial or otherwise. I have a loving girlfriend,great family, good friends and the ability to fully enjoy life right now to the fullest. Next year i fully intend to do so, even moreso than this past year. Life does more pretty fast, it is important to stop and look around once in a while so you don't miss anything. See you in a positive 2013.